Brother Odile Joseph School in Cayes.
After the passage of the hurricane Matthew in October, time has come to make an assessment of the situation with Bro Hervé Zamor, Provincial of Haiti.
“The hurricane Matthew struck especially the Southern part of the island. Our communities and schools of the Southeast: the one of Jacmel and of The Valley had few damages.
But on the other hand, our school of Cayes was the object of serious damages: all the windowpanes were destroyed.
+ To replace all the broken windowpanes, the school needs 4 000 USD or 3 620 Euros.

The families of the young students of the school encounter difficulties to feed themselves in the aftermath of the hurricane.
Many families of our pupils lost everything. Such pupils find it impossible to pay the school fees. Many of them come to the school with an empty stomach. By 10 am, they are not even able anymore to attend the lessons.
The Congregation bought a new land in Cayes with the aim of planning relocation of the Secondary school. A large part of the enclosing wall collapsed.
+ To make the property safer again, it will be necessary for us to find 25 000 USD or 22 624 Euros.
Contact: Bro Lamy Dessalines, Bursar of the Province: economatfich@lamennais.org