HEADTEACHERS OF SCHOOLS. Facing fragility, 72 Heads of Mennaisian Schools of France want to respond with Fraternity

There are many difficult situations in our World: Pandemic, War in Ukraine and in many other Countries, uncertainties of all kinds and contrasting realities also within Schools. The 72 Heads of Schools of the Mennaisian Network of France wanted to deepen particularly these Educational realities, to share them and to train themselves in common practices. Proposed by the Tutelle Team, a Two-day Seminar, coordinated by Bro Olivier MIGOT -Director of the Mennaisian Formation Institute, IMF- hosted at the Lycée La Touche in Ploërmel the interventions of four Formators: Bro Régis LEFRERE for the Mennaisian Anchorage, Isabelle LE BOURGEOIS for a Theological and Psychoanalytical contribution, Denis CRISTOL for Engineering and François-Daniel MIGEON in Leadership. Explanations

“In front of Fragility, we can respond collectively through Fraternity,” said Ronan Petton, Secretary General of the Tutelle – a team that accompanies Schools. In doing so, we continue the Intuition of our Founder, who could also pour out in his time on the destruction of the Society, of the Church and especially of Children. On the contrary, he preferred to create a body of Brothers to provide a positive response to the Fragility of the moment».

A Network to be lived collectively

Commissions and Workshops, work together: many exchanges aim to facilitate collective projects and achievements.

« This project, which we call Mennaisian Educational Project, he continued, we try to live it in our Institutions. The challenge of the coming years will be to live it, not only in Institutions but also and especially between us. We will therefore have to move from the “I” to the “We”. To this end, we must above all forge bonds, work together, develop relationships, know each other and recognize each other».

Reminder of the work done in recent years to strengthen the Educational Network and Cultivate Links: elaboration of a new reference text, choice of orientations for the Network until 2025, definition of a project for the Tutelle. This was also reflected in the creation of a “Professional Gestures and Charisma” Training Course and the Development of Communication tools with a Leaflet distributed to all Parents, a Facebook address, and a Website.

During the intervention of Bro Régis LEFRERE on the Mennaisian Anchorage.

For more than a year Commissions composed of Directors, Assistants or Staff have also been in place including: Pastoral care, School life managers, International culture, Sustainable development, Mennaisian Pedagogy, Finance and Solidarity, Higher Education, etc.

At the end, this Training Meeting allowed the Headteachers to understand their own Fragilities and to identify levers of brotherhood in their accompaniments of people and Projects. A time to welcome the new Headteachers was shared and a Eucharistic Celebration was lived this Monday evening. A continuation of this Training will be offered in January 2023.

35,393 children and youth and 3,600 staff

The Mennaisian Network of Schools in France:  35,393 children and young people in 76 Schools: 32 Nursery and Elementary Schools, 31 Secondary Schools, 20 High Schools.  Supervision is provided by 2,663 Teachers, 418 Educational and Supervisory Staff and 630 Administrative and Service Staff.

Website of the Mennaisian Network of Schools in France: https://www.mennaisien.fr 

Facebook address


The Tutelle Team of the Mennaisian Network of Schools in France. From left to right: Chantal DEVAUX, Ronan PETTON, Bro Yannick HOUSSAY, Denis CHEVRE, Bernadette PETTON, Bro Olivier MIGOT and Loïc LE TOUZO

Contact Secretary : Stéphanie BOUCHE secretaire.tutelle@mennaisien.org