Have you received the New Annual Issue of La Mennais Magazine in your School, Community or Home?
Bro. Hervé Zamor, Superior General offered his wishes for 2023.
Young Brothers tell, Educators testify: signs of hope to be shared.
16 Brothers will make perpetual vows in 2023.
New Communities of Brothers are opening up in the World.
New Communities of Brothers are opening up in the World.
Do you know the ten Deans of the Congregation?
Do you want to know the life of Communities, the list of Newly professed Brothers, the deceased Brothers of 2022, the School Anniversaries?
Did you know that the Daughters of Providence are developing in Nebbi, Uganda?
What are the Anniversaries announced in 2023?
Did you know that the «Jean Marie» Health Centre is already 20 years old?
Who are the 2023 Jubilarians?
What’s new for the Cause of Father de la Mennais and Father Deshayes?
Do you want to know the end of the comic about Jean-Marie de la Mennais?
80 photos, 70 infos, 48 pages
To read on line : https://www.lamennais.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/LMM-48.pdf