What has been new in the Province of Haiti in recent weeks? Overview with Bro Géniaud Lauture, Provincial of St Louis de Gonzague Province.
“Some cities in the Country, such as Port-au-Prince and Les Cayes, had experienced two weeks of interruption due to political violence and insecurity, explained Bro Géniaud Lauture, the Provincial. Most parents preferred to keep their children at home. Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Overall, the students found their way back to school even when it was always against a backdrop of insecurity.

During the Brother Provincial’s visit at the CENA.

The CENA site has been extensively equipped.
Noël Notre Dame des anges Centre -CENA – had started classes again. In the previous days, the area was the scene of violent clashes between rival gangs. We hoped this lull wuould last for a few weeks.

At Bro Odile Joseph College in Les Cayes.
Here are also pictures of Brother Odile Joseph College in Les Cayes, after the Carnival and some photos of Saint Louis de Gonzague School.

The Via Crucis experienced by the students at the St Louis de Gonzague Institution, at Delmas.
Here, the Way of the Cross on the courtyard of Saint Louis de Gonzague Secondary School. The Way of the Cross is followed every Friday before returning to class in Primary, College and High School.
In the chapel, Ashes were smeared on Secondary school students on the Thursday following Ash Wednesday.

Ashes Wednesday ceremony in the Chapel
On the Schoolyard of the Primary School: children are full of energy and the School works.

On the courtyard of St Louis de Gonzague Primary School.
As for the Covid-19 pandemic, nearly no mention of it. Preventive measures and wearing masks are always recommended. But few people mind about it except when it’s formally required.
This is certainly due to the fact that there had been very few people who succumbed to the disease in the Country.
We share the suffering of the Provinces of France and Spain which lost Brothers, as victims of Covid-19.
Jean Marie de la Mennais Square
After the collapse of the Provincial House on January 12th, 2010, the Statue of Father de la Mennais, which welcomed the Brothers and visitors, found itself alone on the court.

The Statue of Father de la Mennais near the Juvénat of Petionville
We are very happy that Father Founder is now reunited with his Sons at Petionville’s Juvénat.
Thus, Mennaisian Brothers and Laity, young people in formation, visitors, students, parents and teachers, would be able to come and pray at his feet. The workers are in the process of making the final touches.

A new statue of JM de la Mennais being made in mahogany tree
From the trunk of the Mahogany tree that occupied the site, a Haitian artist made a large statue on the model of the one at the Jean de La Mennais School in Saint Malo.
Father Deshayes has not been forgotten. His statue is coming out of the trunk of another Mahogany tree
Smaller statues, still in mahogany, would be carved to be placed in our Schools and Communities.”