General Council. 18 Appointments of Brothers and Lay people during the Session of May – June 2022

Brother Superior General, with the consent of his Council, appointed, for a term of three years:

Brother Pierrick BUSSON, Assistant Provincial of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Province (France-England)

Brother Benito ZAMPEDRI, Novice Master at the Novitiate of El Alto (Bolivia) of the Divina Providencia District (Argentina-Bolivia-Chile-Uruguay)

Brother Wilfried FARA, Director of the Scholasticate of Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

Brother Joseph BELLANGER, Assistant Director and Head of the 3rd year Scholastics of the Scholasticate of Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

Frère Eric MUGISA, Maître des novices au Noviciat de Dapaong (Togo) pour un nouveau mandat

Brother Jean HERBINIÈRE, Novice Master at the Novitiate of Pétion-Ville (Haiti) for a new 3years mandate.

Brother Dino DE CAROLIS, Postulator General of the Congregation for a new 3years mandate.

Brother Hervé ASSE, General Archivist of the Congregation.

He will be assisted by Brother Franco GRAZIOSI, Assistant Archivist.

Creation of an Economic Affairs Council, C.A.E

The Superior General decided to set up a Council for Economic Affairs, ad experimentum until the General Chapter of 2024, and approved its statutes. This C.A.E is an Advisory body at the service of the Superior General and his Council.

Brother Claude GRÉGOIRE, Bursar General, is the President.

The appointed members of the C.A.E are:
Mr Gérard ARCHAMBAULT (Canada),
Brother Rogers KAZIBWE

Formation of Formators for the Mennaisian Family

The preparation of the Formation of Formators for the Mennaisian Family was entrusted to the following persons:

Brother Jean-Yves Hamon (JB), Brother Valmyr-Jacques Dabel (H), Mr Jean-Jacques Erceau (JB), Mrs Michèle Hétu (J), Brother Josu Olabarrieta (NS).

Animation and Government of St Jean-Baptiste Province, France-England

Following the appointment of only one Assistant Provincial, the Superior General gave his consent for the election of an 8th Brother as Provincial Councilor.

He also gave his consent for the appointment of a Lay person as an Assistant to the Provincial in charge of the “Tutelle” (the Educational Establishments).

These two decisions are «ad experimentum» until the next Chapter of the Province.