Watch and listen! 30 testimonies from Members of the Chapter… in live !
They tell, especially to the young Brothers in formation, in a few words how they lived these three weeks of chapter :
Brother Hervé Zamor interviewed by RCF (French speaking Christian Radio) – 7′ (in French)
GENERAL CHAPTER 2018 : We are there !
Live every moment of this important moment of the congregation by reading the news of the Website or on the Facebook page of the Website…
Retrouvez encore des photos, jour après jour : >>>
Bro. Superior General
Rome, September 2017
The General Council invites you to enter the preparation of the General Chapter, through the following process :
We propose to 7 «groups» to open «A NEW PAGE»:
- MENNAISIAN SCHOOLS: The Lay people and the Brothers who are part of a Mission Team, the Directors and / or the direction Teams of our schools. 1 2 3
- MENNAISIAN FAMILY: Lay people engaged with the Brothers in the mission, Mennaisian Family commissions, Associate members, etc. 1 2 3
- FORMATORS: Brothers in charge of Initial Formation and Brothers in formation houses. 1 2 3
- YOUNG BROTHERS: All Brothers with temporary vows, and perhaps others who you wish to associate with them. 1 2 3 3b
- YOUNG MENNAISIANS: Young people (20-30 years) who are close to you and who are engaged in the mission in one way or another. 1 2 3
- PASTORAL WORK FOR VOCATIONS: Brothers and lay people who are engaged in vocation work. 1 2 3
- PROVINCE or DISTRICT COUNCILS: Brothers who constitute your own Councils. 1 2 3
In the files enclosed with this letter :
– In file 1 – … an explanation of the procedures
– In file 2 – … a brief presentation of the Congregation
– In file 3 – … a proposed text to nourish your reflection
We ask that the “page” containing the 3 orientations chosen by each group be sent to us in December 2017. This page will be sent by th Major Superior who is in charge of implementing this process of discernment.
For the Brothers’ COMMUNITIES, simply continue the process started on May 20th 2017. One of the stages includes elements that invite you to make proposals.
Please do not hesitate to ask the Secretary-General, one of the Assistants, or indeed myself for any further explanations you may require.
“It is essential to remember that the General Chapter is the place of personal and formal obedience to the Holy Spirit. We need to make contact with the presence of the Holy Spirit…. To believe in His massage amongst us and to listen to what God is telling us in the events of our institute” Quoted from a document of CIVCSVA of 2017: “For new wine, new skins”.
I therefore count on your commitment for the best possible preparation.
I thank you for your collaboration and remain united with you in prayer.
Bro Yannick Houssay, Superior General.