Anne and her mother, Parishioners of the Sanctuary, during the blessing of Ti Gabriel in Ste-Anne d’Auray.
Great joy this Tuesday 7th at the Sanctuary of Ste Anne d’Auray, France! Fr. Gwénaël Maurey, Rector of the Sanctuary shared the news. The Cause of Holiness of Gabriel Deshayes will be able to be introduced in Rome, following an Agreement in progress between Bishop Jacolin and Bishop Centène. Other reasons for rejoicing: The Blessing of the “Ti Gabriel” Solidarity Tea Room in the heart of the Sanctuary and the arrival of the Brothers of Charity of Christ the Servant. All in the context of the preparation of the Great Jubilee of Ste Anne in 2025. Explanations and Discovery.
Coincidence or sign? The announcement of the Agreement between the two Bishops for the Introduction of the Cause of Father Deshayes came on the Anniversary of the discovery of the Statue of Saint Anne by Yves Nicolazic. Mgr Jacolin is Bishop of Luçon, Diocese where Father Gabriel died, precisely in St-Laurent-sur-Sèvre and Mgr Centène, is Bishop of Vannes, Diocese where the untiring Apostle was born, precisely in Beignon. Let us also remember that it was Father Deshayes who made it possible to buy the Sanctuary after the French Revolution to hand it over to the Bishop of Vannes at the time.
After agreement from Rome, Mgr Centène will be able to start the Introduction of the Cause carried by 5 Congregations founded or co-founded by Fr. Deshayes and federated within the Association Gabriel Deshayes whose president is Fr. Gaétan Lucas , Parish priest of Auray. This Announcement had been expected for years. Now the Montfort Fathers will also activate the choice of a Postulator.
Ti Gabriel: A Solidarity Tea Room

Procession from the Basilica with the Icon of Saint Anne

From left to right: Bernard Jain, Marie-Claire Le Boursicaux, one of the Chaplains, Fr. Ivan Brient and Fr. Gwénaël Maurey
That same day, another event at the Ste-Anne Sanctuary, the Blessing of the Ti Gabriel house. It is a Solidarity Tea Room, set up in the former premises of the Sanctuary Bookstore, run by Disabled Employees of the Esat de la Chartreuse d’Auray, a Member Establishment of the Gabriel Deshayes Association.

Bernard Jain, President of the Gabriel Deshayes Association, Fr. Gwénaël Maurey, Rector of the Sanctuary, Fr. Ivan Brient, Vicar General, alongside the Icon of Ste Anne

Ti Gabriel follows on from the Religious Bookstore, now located in the Sanctuary store
It was Fr. Ivan Brient, Vicar General of the Diocese of Vannes, who proceeded to the blessing and greeted the highly motivated young employees, in the company of the Rector of the Sanctuary, Bernard Jain, President of the Association Gabriel Deshayes and Marie -Claire Le Boursicaux, Vice-President.

The highly motivated team of the Esat de la Chartreuse, of the association Gabriel Deshayes is committed to Ti Gabriel at the solidarity tea salon. Opening in a few weeks.
The Jubilee of 2025 is preparing
In focus also for the Sanctuary of Ste Anne, it is the Jubilee of 2025 which is announced. The 400 years of the Anniversary of the Apparitions of Saint Anne on the site. The Enlarged Committee held its second Meeting on Tuesday, concerned with collectively defining priorities and projects to mark the Appointments towards the Jubilee for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025.
A Steering Committee made up of the Rector Gwénael Maurey, Bruno Belliot, Secretary General of the Sanctuary, Philippe Josse, P. Ivan Briend, etc… coordinates the multiple proposals which are being finalized. See you in June for the Announcement of the Main Dates of the Jubilee.
3 Vietnamese Brothers at the Service of the Sanctuary

Brothers Joseph Loc, Joseph Huang, Fr. Jean-Marie Surel, Director of the Foyer Jean-Paul II and Br. Joseph An
Finally, another absolutely very rich news on the Sanctuary: three Brothers of Charity of Christ the Servant, originally from Vietnam, Br. Joseph An, Joseph Huang and Joseph Loc have been present in France since November 21st. They arrived in Ste-Anne a few weeks ago and are taking French lessons at a steady pace. They are sent by their Congregation, requested by Bishop Centène

The Brothers are at the service of the Sanctuary.
Their Mission? “To be present to the poor, to help them and ” assure the three Brothers. For the time being, their Mission is to serve the Sanctuary by helping with Liturgical follow-up, at the service of the Basilica. Eventually, they will be In Charge of Reception at the Sanctuary. They are residents at the Foyer Saint Jean-Paul II and welcomed by Fr. Jean-Marie Surel, Director of the Foyer. Their Congregation founded in 2004, in a Diocese near Saigon in South Vietnam, includes a female branch of Consecrated Nuns, several of whom are present at the Bishopric of Vannes and recently also Priests. 19 years after their foundation, the Brothers are 100! 50 have made their Perpetual Vows and 50 others are in Formation.