

5 places on Jean-Marie de la Mennais’ steps.

Important dates of Jean-Marie de la Mennais’ life   (pdf – 00 KB)

NEW PORTRAIT of JMLM – Mosaic Portrait with a Thousand Faces ! >>>


14 panels about an exhibition about Gabriel Deshayes’ life

In the footsteps of Gabriel Deshayes

Important dates of Gabriel Deshayes’ life  (pdf – 00 KB)


The Treaty of Union

 Cause of Jean-Marie de la Mennais. Waiting for his beatification

VitrailLaprairiePrayer for the Beatification (pdf – 21*15 – 114 KB)
1901 : Introduction of the Cause (pdf – 27 KB)
1926 : Second exhumation of his body (pdf – 13 KB)
1935 : Focus on the Cause (pdf – 46 KB)
1960 : The centenary of the death of the Founder (pdf – 40 KB)
1966 : The Decree of Venerability (pdf – 25 KB)
1980 : The bicentenary of the birth of the Founder (pdf – 66 KB)
1990 : The question of miracles (pdf – 37 KB)
2005 : What progress for the Cause ? (pdf – 31 KB)

〉 Writings of 

Jean-Marie de la Mennais
Gabriel Deshayes

Images of  …

Jean-Marie de la Mennais
Gabriel Deshayes

〉 Catalogue General Archives FICP (pdf – 1,11 MB)