FORMATION. 15 Brothers Formators meet in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

The formation session of the Brothers Formators in Abidjan has finally taken place! Originally planned for Summer 2021, restrictions linked to Covid-19 had forced it to postpone it. Fifteen of our formators from Haiti, the Philippines, Mexico, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Rome, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Benin and Togo met in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 17 to 28 July. were formed on the themes of inculturation of consecrated life, prayer and protection of minors and vulnerable persons.   Explanations.
This session was supervised and accompanied by a team called «Wise Men». They were Brothers Hervé ZAMOR, Superior General, Miguel ARISTONDO, Assistant and Yannick HOUSSAY, Provincial of France-England. The translations were provided by Brother Gérard BYARUHANGA.

Hervé Zamor, Superior General, on the left and Br. Yannick Houssay, Provincial of France-England, on the right, in company with one of the speakers.

Introducing the theme of inculturation, Father Basile AKA, Son of Divine Providence, led the participants to take stock of the cultural question by integrating their identity as consecrated persons, elucidating the problem of the culture that must be evangelised, despite the difficulties that this process entails.

In order to inculturate Consecrated life, the speaker recalled that it requires a solid spiritual life, a clear perception of evangelical values in the radical choice of the life of Jesus Christ, poor, chaste and obedient. Furthermore, he insisted on fraternal life, a place where the Mennaisian Brother must commit himself to make of his confrere the one he would have chosen, the one he would have wanted.  Finally, he pointed out that the inculturation of consecrated life is nothing other than the daily effort to put Christ at the centre of one’s existence.

Following Father Basile, Brother Hervé deepened this theme with the participants around three axes: to Educate, to Form, to Accompany (cf. Amedeo CENCINI).

Spiritual life being one of the main places of inculturation, Brother Yannick proposed a path of reflection on the experience of prayer.

Time of relaxation and training alternated during these days.

Using a participative method, the need for the formator to form himself and to form especially in prayer was stressed. This is based on the personal experience of God. In order to do this, a path of purification and evangelisation of the image of God that the formator and the young people in formation have, is necessary.

The question of abuse being a current issue in the Church, a team composed of Sister Marie Laurence DIAVATCHE, Sister of Jesus-Eucharist, Father Jean Claude KABURAME, African Missions and Mr Bertin Koffi KOUASSI, Sociologist, worked extensively on the issue of the protection of minors and vulnerable persons.

Teachings, questions and answers, workshops punctuated the session.

We remember that the evangelization of the poor invites pastors to a profound conversion. This implies that each Mennaisian doing this work of accompanying and each candidate for Mennaisian life is formed to protect and prevent abuses of all kinds. It is precisely to put oneself at the service of life.

Our consecrated life must be nourished by the sources of the Mennaisian charism. That is why the last theme allowed us to reflect and to determine practical lines to nourish ourselves with the Word of God and that of our Founders.

Community outing to the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Yamoussoukro.

The Brothers of the Communication Commission team of the session