FIRST VOWS. 3 Novices made Profession in Indonesia

At the end of their Novitiate on June 7th 2023, the Bros. Richard – Alexander Darsoboli Wokal, Pascal – Paskalis Heron and Fedin – Ferdinandus Juwa made their First Vows in the Congregation.

The three Novices are in Traditional dress during the Entrance Procession.

The Celebration took place in the Don Bosco Chapel, Sengkan, Novitiate District in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Fr. Yoma, CMF (Claretian) presided over the Celebration in the presence of Bro Gildas Prigent, Brother Visitor of the District who received the Vows. He was also surrounded by Bro Stéphane Le Pape.

Bro Gildas Prigent, Brother Visitor of the District received the Vows and handed over the Rule of Life to everyone.

The three young Brothers who made their First Vows – in the centre – surrounded by other Brothers of St Francis Xavier District and in the second row, Bro Gildas Prigent, on the left and Bro Stéphane Le Pape, on the right.

A Choir gave the Celebration a Special character.

With the members of the Choir.

Other Representatives of Religious Congregations also attended this 1st Profession.