EXCLUSIVE. What if the next WYD took place in Africa?

Exciting News! Since their creation in 1986, WYD has traveled to four Continents, all except Africa. However, the organizers of the event are “for its Outward Projection”.

Young Adults from Niger and Burkina during the preparation for WYD.

This involves Africa, “where [it] will also soon arrive” according to the Declaration of Cardinal Manuel Clemente, Archbishop and Patriarch of Lisbon, during the first Press Conference, this Monday in Lisbon.

Angola has already been chosen as the first Destination of the Pilgrimage of Symbols – the Cross and the Icon of WYD -, which began in July 2021. Would this presage the Pope’s announcement on Sunday, at the end of the Days, for a next African Destination?

Dances during Preparatory days for WYD.

JMJ: the young people exceeded all expectations

” Trust! “. While some doubted the success of WYD in Lisbon, Bishop Clemente and Father Felipe Diniz, responsible for Youth Ministry in Portugal noted that the enthusiasm and support of young people and “young people who have been young for a long time” “exceeded expectations. »

Indeed, several tens of thousands of Volunteers have been involved in the Organization of WYD for several years.

Information compilled by Claire Tanguy