Since July 14th 2023, 23 Brothers, Community Superiors and Animators of the Session, from 12 different National met together at the Lycée La Touche in Ploërmel to experience a period of Formation. August 14th ,2023 was the End of the Session. What to remember?
A time of Formation, but also a time for Renewal – here in the Chapel of the Lycée La Touche
The Joy of being a Brother and the chance to live a time of International Fraternity! They were not only 5 Animators, 2 Interpreters and 16 Participants, but there was really a Community of Formation, a Community of Mutual Service, of Fraternal Charity, of Great Simplicity – there were no differences between the Major Superiors present and the others…
At the End of the Retreat, on July 26th 2023; The Eucharist with the Brothers of the Mother House…
…and prayer time at the Tomb of the Father, with Mennaisians from Ploërmel
Beyond the difficulties of the language, the differences of Culture and Age, each one was able during these 4 Weeks, to open up, to trust the other, and to go more in depth on the various Subjects Treated.
Pilgrimage to the Cross of the Missionaries
Pilgrimage to Auray: Chapel of the Eternal Father, Brothers Jean-Baptiste Ndiaye, Vilson Lauture, Claudio Contreras and Jerry Jean-Pierre
Greater awareness of the importance of the Mission of Community Superior: a small parable quoted by one of the Participants: “seeing a little girl, carrying in her arms a little boy, a spectator of the scene, pitiful, said to the little girl: “What a burden are you carrying! And the little girl replied: “It’s not a burden, it’s my brother!” “To carry his Brothers, this is the heart of the Mission of the Superior of the Community.
A rather mild weather, even cool, the relaxing living environment of the Agricultural School of La Touche, the Rhythm of the days and the good organization…. all this meant that after 4 Weeks, we leave “rested, re-energized, ready to return to our places of Communities and Mission! “.
It was also an opportunity to meet wonderful people: Bleuenn Gautier (a lay Mennaisian, Teacher, Trainer at the Mennaisian Training Institute); Alain Caillon (Chairman of Assific); Brother Yannick Houssay, Provincial of the Province of St Jean-Baptiste, who spoke on Child Protection; Brother Claude Grégoire (General Treasurer, zooming from Rome) who spoke about the Management of Communities, Districts and Provinces a Video Meeting with Michel Tanguy, Brothers Rafa Alonso and James Hayes, Corentin Ogier… who made us vibrate to the Rhythm of WYD in Lisbon… the Meeting of our Elder Brothers in Josselin; the Meeting of a Former Missionary, Brother Louis Kercadec, who came to Ploërmel to find his “Former Colleagues from Africa”… and many others
Finally – and this was one of the Objectives of the Session, it was an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of our Founders: Auray, Saint-Malo, Josselin, Beignon, Malestroit, and the Mother House of course! Even if for many it was not the first time, the fact of going to these places not as Tourists but as Pilgrims, that changes everything!
Meeting of the Elder Brothers in Josselin
The last day was an opportunity to thank each other, to Give Thanks to God for having lived this privileged time, and to sincerely hope that such an International Session could be Renewed! The photos in this Article will allow you to taste this time of Grace!
“On the play”: not easy to be Superior of the Community
Bros Achilleo, Jerry, Mamerto and Protas Brothers on the ramparts of Saint-Malo
Presentation of the Annals of the Session(in 3 languages) – they will be updated in a few days with the last moments of the Session.>>>
Always pleasant visit with Gilles, the owner of the house of Corbières, who opened his “Malouinière” to us, and approach the pavilion of Féli at the bottom of the property
Visit of Brother Louis Kervadec, former missionary in West Africa
Testimony of Bleuenn Gautier, Mennaisian and trainer at the IMF
Visit to the Augustinians Sisters of Malestroit
Final Celebration