EASTER IS LIFE. “Let us welcome the Risen One: presence and hope”. Message of the General Council

On the occasion of the feast of Easter, the General Council of the congregation addressed a message to all.

“Greetings to you from the Casa Generalizia, here in Rome.

In prayerful solidarity with all those that are affected in some way, as we ourselves have already been in Spain;

we, the members of the General Council wish to assure our closeness to each individual Brother and each Lay member of the Family wherever each one happens to be in this time of confinement.

We are proposing this humble communication as a symbol of our own presence to every member and as our invitation to a new hope. Indeed we must not give up hope.

May our celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord, in these very peculiar circumstances help us to fix our gaze beyond the disappointing emptiness of our classrooms, the stillness of all activities, up to the closed doors of our churches … and look up to Jesus who is Alive – alive within ourselves and indeed alive for all humanity.