The Bishopric of Les Cayes was completely destroyed.
An earthquake of magnitude 7.2 struck the South of Haiti on August 14th. Damage occurred in the Country in several places. Brother Odile Joseph Secondary School of Les Cayes was damaged. Bro Hervé Zamor, Superior General, was invited to Solidarity. Rehabilitation works are needed as well as sponsorships to help finance students’ schooling. Welcome as sponsors !
« As I was already present in the Country, said Bro Hervé Zamor, Superior General, I went to Les Cayes, on August 16th, with Brother Géniaud Lauture, Provincial, to testify of our closeness to the victims of this new disaster.”
The Church of the Sacré-Coeur Parish of Les Cayes.
The damage was very significant: many Public Buildings and Residences were damaged or destroyed.
The Buildings which house both the Brother Odile Joseph establishment (Primary School, Secondary School and High School) and the Brothers’ Residence withstood this violent Earthquake.
However, major cracks would require costly repairs.
Aerial view of the Buildings.
This Institution with 1,200 students was preparing to celebrate its 150th Anniversary in 2022 and Brother Odile-Joseph School belongs to the Mennaisian Network.
« Basing myself on the strong bond of Fraternity that unites us, Bro Hervé continued, I dare to launch an appeal for solidarity in favour of our Brother Odile-Joseph Institution so that the children and young people of this School can return as soon as possible to School in conditions that favorable to learning.
I therefore invite the Brothers, the Laity of the Mennaisian Family, the various Institutions (NGOs, Schools, Volunteers and Solidarity Services, Former students, etc.) to mobilize in order to help the Brother Odile-Joseph School to open again.
May the entire Mennaisian Family render this service in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, our children of Brother Odile-Joseph School!”
The Province of Haiti has identified two types of support:
* financial support for the 139 poorest and most affected students, in the form of sponsorship, to pay this year’s School fees: 65 670 USD or 55 989 €.
* Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Infrastructure: 402 150, 34 USD or 342 989 €
Building 1: Administration, Classrooms and Brothers Residence: Cracks
This building has apparently deep cracks in some of the walls on the first level and minor cracks on the second level. The Ground floor, like the Traffic corridors around the building, was very cracked.
The Oratory of the Brothers’ Community
The Brothers’ Community Hall
Building 2 : Secondary School : layout, floor, painting
This three-stored Building resisted very well to the Earthquake. However, there are two main steps to take: • Detach the staircase from the rear of the building. • Completely re-do the floor. • Re-do the painting.
Building 3: Elementary School: Layout, Cracks and Reinforcement
It’s a problematic building. It had a lot of irregularities. It required very extensive intervention. Major cracks are observed. Actions: reclaim the damaged floor and walls, repair the affected columns, reinforce the building to remove overhangs and redo the paint.
Building of the Primary School of Les Cayes.
The fences
There are approximately 202 linear meters of fencing to be demolished and rebuilt.
Courtyards and floors of the first Building levels
The movement of the ground severely damaged the Schoolyards and the ground of the first levels of the Buildings. They are to be resumed.
Brother Lamy DESSALINES, Provincial Bursar
Email: economatfich@lamennais.org