With the confrères of the community of Pointe-du-Lac, Québec.
Double distinction for Brother Roger LeBlanc, Community of Pointe-du-Lac, Quebec, Canada. On the 1st December 2018, surrounded by his confreres and friends, he confirmed his title of Dean of the Congregation and crossed the 100 year mark!
“It was a really nice and meaningful day,” says Mario Houle, the Provincial. After the celebration, under the coordination of Bro. Marcel Lafrance, and with the help of many confreres and staff members, we were then led by an authentic stewardess to a succulent meal where the three tables represented three Airline Companies. ”
Some various stages of Bro Roger’s life.
Fr. Denis Béland, the community Chaplain, greeted the seasoned and experienced pilot. “Your joy was great to welcome a Confrere in your cockpit to allow him to admire from above the wonders from below, the beauties of nature and landscapes, and to say with the Psalmist: How great are your works, O Lord!
Fr. Denis Béland, the community Chaplain, greeted the seasoned and experienced pilot.
With the guests of the day,besides those of the local community.
In your life of a hundred years, you have had until today another compass, the Gospel. On you retirement, you have left the handlebars of your plane to take your second spiritual handlebars, your Rosary, which you pray at least three times a day if not more. “