DOLBEAU-MISTASSINI, Quebec. After 90 years of presence the Brothers left, but the Mennaisian presence continues

“A future full of life, surprises and joy!” It is under this sign expressed by Bro Mario Houle, Provincial, that the Mennaisian Brothers and Laity of Jean de la Mennais Province -Canada-USA-Mexico – placed the New page shot this Summer 2021 in Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec. After 90 years of commitments on the spot in Schools, Educational centers, Houses of Formation, Camps, Sports activities, the Brothers left.
“But the story is far from over North of Saint-Jean Lake,” said Bro Mario, “as a very Dynamic and Creative group of Mennaisian laymen continues to carry the charism, to live it and to make it grow. Thank you, my Sisters and Brothers, for remaining open to the surprising action of the Spirit. And thank you to those who continue to make Youth Service Camp a priority.”

90 years in Dolbeau-Mistassini

It is to evoke:
St Tharcicius School, name of the first of the Brothers in the Saguenay –Saint-Jean Lake area in 1930, and then, the Work of the Playgrounds -OTJ – offering Sports and Leisure activities -,
the House and the Juvénat St-Jean until 2016 – starting from a property housing a Simple Farm that the Brothers transformed with many Buildings and Tree Plantations -,

General view of the House and Juvénat St-Jean

Facade of the Building

Young people schooled in the Juvénat in 2011.

The Community of Juvénat St-Jean in June 2011, together with Bro. Gabriel Gélinas, Provincial on this date. In 1st row from left to right: Bros. Maurice CARTIER, Roger GOSSELIN, Albert TREMBLAY, Marcellin PERRON, Jacques GUAY. 2nd row from left to right: Bros. Charles FONTAINE, Robert LAROUCHE, Jean-Paul BOISVERT, Gabriel GELINAS, Venant PAQUETTE.

Jean Dolbeau Secondary School,

without forgetting the Youth Service Camp – based in a Chalet hosting Personal growth Meetings for Youth and Adult training – hosted by Bro Marcellin Perron for 50 years!

One of the many meetings of personal growth. Here in 2009. Bro Marcellin Perron is on the left.

And other initiatives should be mentioned.

All this is outlined in the document to be read here:   Les Frères à Dolbeau – 90 ans

based on the work of Mr. François Boutin, Archivist of the Province.

Bro Noël Marcil

Since last Summer, Bro Noël Marcil joined the Community of the Mother House of La Prairie, where he learns to discover and tame this environment and to get to know the new Confreres from everywhere who have moreover been very welcoming and open, to their habit.

Bro Marcellin Perron

Bro Marcellin Perron emptied the three-stored House to join the Community of Pointe-du-Lac. He is the Team Leader with Bro Charles Gagnon and Bro Jean Lemay.

Bro Robert Larouche

Bro Robert Larouche had left Dolbeau-Mistassini more than a year ago to join the Infirmary of La Prairie, then now at the Residence De La Salle, contagious of serenity and music.  

It’s up to us to go on!

The Associates of Dolbeau-Mistassini Team continues its journey, with notably Jacques, Brigitte, Gaétane, Diane, Maria, Line, Suzanne, Paul-Marcel and all the others. At the time of the Meeting with the three Brothers who were leaving, it was an opportunity to say to each other, assured Paul-Marcel Crosnier, in the Bulletin de la Mennaisian Family of Canada, Trait d’Union, how important they were to us, how they have transformed our lives and ways of being and how they will always be present in our hearts and through Associates here. It is now up to us to continue the work of Jean-Marie de la Mennais, to whom they have prepared us so well.”

Information via Bro Mario Houle and thanks to François Boutin, Archivist of the Province for the Documentation on the History of the Brothers in Dolbeau-Mistassini.