A large assembly gathered to salute the outcome of this major project.
New! The College of St-Joseph-Peyramale looks great since the construction of the new College equipment at the corner of the Rue de Bagnères. More than a third of the facility has been rebuilt on a total of 1,300 m2 of new space.
On 13th September,2019, the inauguration of the new facilities took place in the presence of a large attendance. In turn, Frédéric Reynaud, Director, Msgr Brouwet, the Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, Mr. Lacaze, President of the Organisation of management, OGEC and Chantal Devaux, delegate of the supervision of the La Mennais France Network for the South West welcomed this production.
Young people, parents, families, staff, Brothers La Mennais of the neighboring community and guests including Josette Bourdeu, Mayor, Jean-Louis Vice-President of the Cazaubon Region, José Marthe, Departmental Councilor, Guillaume Wroblewski Diocesan Director of Catholic Education and F. Louis Séité, former provincial of the Brothers.

From left to right: Mrs. Chantal Devaux, delegate of Tutelle La Mennais France, Msgr Bouwet, Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes and Frédéric Reynaud, Director of the College- St Joseph-
Peyramale. Photo: Bro.. Louis Séité
«To expand to grow: is the meaning of this project,» said Frederic Reynaud, Director. The old buildings bordering the College including the « Bar des inquiets » were bought to bring out a functional equipment. 6 new classes welcome the 6th Grade Students, a Music education Room is equipped with instruments, a Plastic Arts Room will be attended by more than 500 young people, a new layout of the pediment is made for the sport.
We also wanted to incorporate a real “Astronomy” pole open to 860 students, to further highlight the Astro-Club Lourdais, with a brand new digital Planetarium, unique in France in a school, under its dome of 5m in diameter, an Educational Room, and an Observation Deck. The total investment of the real estate transaction is 2.7 M.
Bishop Brouwet, for his part, welcomed the expansion of the establishment and congratulated all the teams.
«The culmination of such a project,» commented Chantal Devaux, delegate of Guardianship, allows us to recall what drives us in the mission we carry in the service of young people and their families. Because, before any real estate project, never lose sight of the meaning of our mission which is based in the educational intuition of our founder, Jean Marie de La Mennais: “We have to form the whole man, to form him for himself, for his own happiness, for his family, for society, for the earth, and for eternity.».
An “ASTRONOMY SPACE” with the ASTRO CLUB LOURDAIS at Saint Joseph-Peyramale College

The new Planetarium located on the roof of the establishment.
The new DIGITAL PLANETARIUM, unique in France in a school, presents the projection of the starry sky on the inner face of a cupola, sheltering the spectators.

At the heart of the planetary …
The Planetary Centre is composed of a powerful projector, and a computer to launch images, videos, sound, revealing thousands of stars and stars of the deep sky, and hundreds of possible animations for travelling through the universe.
A PEDAGOGICAL ROOM, houses the park of the eleven telescopes of the club, from 90 to 406 mm of diameter and a TERRACE OF OBSERVATION, allowing the fast installation of the various telescopes.

At the heart of the new equipment of the Astro-Club Lourdais
The monitoring of the whole is ensured by the team of the Astro-Club whose coordination is led by Philippe Pouzet. Sylvie Vauclair astrophysicist inaugurated the new equipment.
Copyright: Astro Club Lourdais
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