The general government of the Congregation comprises the Superior General, the members of the General Council, and the persons of the general services of the Congregation
The Brother Superior General and the three Brothers Assistants are elected at the General Chapter.
– The Generalate in Rome
Bro Hervé ZAMOR
The Superior General
The Superior General’s mission is to foster in the Congregation: the religious vitality of the Brothers and their fidelity to the spirit of the Founders and respect for the special mission of the Congregation and of the orientations of the general chapters.
The Brothers Assistants help him in the government and animation of the Congregation by their fraternal collaboration, information and suggestions. When they do not visit the Provinces or Districts of the Congregation, the members of the Council live now in Rome.
The last General Chapter redefined the role and the Assistant General.
They remain the Counsellors of the Brother Superior General in the government of the Congregation and give their opinions on the questions addressed to the Council. They are no longer particularly responsible for a geographical or linguistic sector of the Congregation, even if they may receive a special mandate from the Brother Superior General to accompany any particular province. They are responsible for the leadership of the Congregation in matters entrusted to their care, especially in the areas of charism and shared mission, vocations and formation.
Bro Jean-Paul PEUZE, 1st Assistant