COMMITMENT. Bro Simon Guèye’s perpetual vows at N’gohé, Senegal

Photo above from left to right : Bro Camille Mahoumba , Brother Visitor, Bro Simon Guèye, the new perpetual professed Brother, Bro Yannick Houssay, Superior general and Bro Thomas Manga, Superior of Thiès community.

Bro Simon Guèye’s perpetual profession took place on December the 29th at N’gohé, a few kilometres
away from Diourbel where the Paul VI College is, the College in which Bro Simon studied.





The vows were received by the Superior general, Bro Yannick Houssay, during the Eucharistic celebration  presided by Msgr. André Guèye, bishop of Thiès.
This ceremony of vows was followed by a mass of thanksgiving on the next day on December the 30th , at Ndjomkhel, Bro Simon’s family village.
All the Brothers of Senegal were present at these two moments, which were preceded by a brotherly meeting with the Superior general.

Bro Simon Guèye talking to the assembly during the ceremony of his perpetual vows.



Bro. Camille Mahoumba, Brother Visitor