Here we are!
“The Big Day of departure is approaching, the Multiple Preparation Tasks are lining up, planning for follow-ups is taking place, Meetings to update Important Files are multiplying, etc. etc. All that before the Chapter! »
Here is the message received by Céline Gélinas, Lay Associate, member of the Mennaisian Family of the Jean de la Mennais Province, Canada-USA-Mexico.
She continues:
“But what is a Chapter?
Community that comes together to Pray together about the Directions to consider for the Future;
H humbly, trusting in the Breath of the Spirit, like Saint Joseph, without really understanding what is happening;
“CAlled and summoned”! At School and following the example of Mary, the Humble Daughter of Nazareth, we want to learn to be Servants of Hope by daring to ask her Son to anticipate His time, by listening and putting into practice His Word, filling his Jars with Water, drawing and bringing the Good Wine to the Master of the meal. (F. Hervé Zamor)
P International Participation representing all the Countries in which the Mennaisian Charism develops;
Invitation from the Superior General, Brother Hervé Zamor, to the Elected Members, as well as to those by Right as well as to the Guests, to welcome their Convocation to the General Chapter as an Expression of God’s Will for them, here and now.
Work for several days in MeeTings, Sharing, Discussions, Exchanges to prepare a Consensus adapted to the different realities of the participating Countries;
Stay IN THE SERVICE OF HOPE so that Water becomes New Wine.
To be SErvants of Hope, Compassionate, Attentive Witnesses, Courageous, Faithful, Daring, and Joyful to walk in the Footsteps of their Master. (F. Hervé Zamor)
In Union of Prayers with you all!
Good Chapter! »
Céline Gélinas
“Thank you very much for this message full of Friendship and Affection, underlined Brother Mario Houle, in receiving this message intended for the Participants in the Chapter, called Capitulants. Thank you for your Research and Meditation on the Texts that you assembled here with so much Harmony and Talent to Write, with Impressive Acuity, what a Chapter is or should be! »
Reunions and Discoveries
The Announced Participants left the Countries of Origin to converge in Rome at Ariccia, near Castelgandolfo.
Let us particularly salute the Delegation of the Brothers of Haiti, – FFs Géniaud Lauture, Simon Alphonse, Valmyr Jacques Dabel and Yvette Méus – who left since last Tuesday and arrived this Monday, after a number of Journeys.

The Bros. Géniaud and Simon, in the Center.
Several have stayed at the Casa since yesterday and today joined the House of the Divine Master, run by the Paulinians of Don Alberione.

The Chapel of the Casa, in the colors of Palm Sunday and the Chapter.

Departure from the Casa towards the location of the Chapter.

Even the house cat comes to greet the Capitulants, on their way!
It’s a time of Reunion for some, of Greetings and Discoveries for others. The Capitulating Brothers and the Lay Members of the International Commission of the Mennaisian Family arrived.
Tomorrow Morning, Tuesday, is the Official Opening of the Chapter.
A New Story that will be written live!