CHAPTER OF THE SISTERS OF THE PROVIDENCE. The Sisters of the Providence will hold their Chapter from 12 till 25 of May in Canada. They entrust themselves to the prayer of all.

From 12th  to 25th   May, the Daughters  of Providence will hold their General Chapter in Canada at Châteauguay, Quebec, very near to Montreal in the Manor house of Youville. This Manor house is situated on the Southern Bank- of St-Laurent. It was previously, owned by the Sisters of Charity of Montreal, commonly called ” Grey Sisters “, a Congregation founded by Saint Marguerite of Youville.

Manor house of Youville, on the Southern Bank- of St-Laurent, previously owned by the “Grey Sisters “

” We shall be 16 participants coming from Saskatchewan and from Quebec for Canada, from England and from France. The congregation is made of 54 members with an average age of around 85 years.

After an important review of the orientations taken during the Chapter of 2014, A treasure to be shared, we will have to plan our future, wishing to live as fully as  possible the current stage of the life of our Congregation. Also, we will take a look on our accompaniment ” Way of covenant ” with the young Community in Uganda, the Daughters  of Providence of Nebbi.

Present General Council of the Daughters of the Providence, elected in 2014. From left to right : Sr Huguette Provost, Superior General, Sr Dolorès Bussière, Sr Madeleine Roulin

We entrust this meeting to your prayer: a Chapter is always an important  moment in the life of a Congregation. ”

Here is the list of the 16 participants at the General Chapter: Sisters Yolande Béliveau, Luce Duchesneau, Alice Le Strat, Emma Mudrik, Louise Touchette, Céline Tremblay, Huguette Provost, Dolorès Bussière, Jeannette Boulliou, Yvette Saliou, Madeleine Roulin, Maryvonne Nivoit, Marie-Raphaëlle Rault, mister Emmanuelle Coudray, Anne-Marie Frearson, Bernadette Larkin.

on the Southern Bank- of St-Laurent