From now on the Delegation of Congo DRC would be Saint-Joseph Delegation and the District of Rwanda would be Notre-Dame de Kibeho District.
Brother Bruno DJUKALEMA, Representative of the Superior General for the Delegation of Congo DRC explained the Choice of “Saint-Joseph”:
“We have chosen the name Saint Joseph for Our Delegation. Saint Joseph offered a whole Program of Life to each Brother. Through his Obedience, Spirit of Faith, Humility, Charity Self-Denial, his Prayer, Silence, Discretion and Life of Chastity, Saint Joseph was a Model of Fidelity to the Lord. He was a worker who got his Hands Dirty to take care of his Family. As an Educator, he helped Jesus grow in Stature, Grace and Wisdom before God and before men. He was the Saint next door who wanted to walk the Path with each Brother of the Delegation.
Brother Damien HABIMANA, Visitor of the District of Rwanda explained the Choice of the name Our Lady of Kibeho, as Patron Saint of the District:
Brother Damien first explained that the Process adopted was to gather the Brothers of each Community and choose a Name. The young Brothers in Training in (Kisubi, Kasasa,and Dapaong) were also consulted. Our Lady of Kibeho was the Most Popular Name proposed.
Brother Damien: “As the new District of Rwanda, we want to base our Consecrated Life on the Message of Our Lady of Kibeho, the «Mother of the Word», which is Conversion and Sincere Prayer as a way to Holiness. “Repent, repent, repent” and “pray without ceasing and without hypocrisy.” This fits well with the theme of the year in which our District was erected and it is a path of all times. We need both of these elements for a new start.”
We entrust Our Brothers of Congo DRC and Rwanda to Saint Joseph and Our Lady of Kibeho. Let us pray for each of the Brothers of those Countries, each Community, and Work; Let us especially entrust all the young people in Formation (more than 30 young people in the Postulate-Novitiate-Scholasticate) and their Formators to Our Patron Saints.
Let us pray for Brothers Noël Mupenda and Jean de Dieu Hagenimana of (Rwanda) who would make their Final Commitment on December 14th ,2024 in Nyundo;
and for Brothers Patrick Kakule and Gracia Titayosa of (Congo DRC) who would make a Definitive Commitment to the Congregation on December 28th, 2024 in Dungu.
Commit themselves to the Congregation on December 21st in Moshi. Bros. James Gwaoo Osogo; Paul Mwiti Joshua, Paul Muaka Musau, Abel Kiulu Augustine, Pius Kimathi Muriungi.
For the 6 Brothers from Uganda who would Definitively Commit themselves to the Congregation on January 1st , 2025 at Kisubi: Bros Alfred Mukasa, Deo Ruhweza, Julius Mandella, Leonard Ssemanda Wasswa, Noah Tutasirwe, Richard Kagoda.