NEW RULE OF LIFE. 12 Intense Days to Finalize An Essential Text
It is a Work of Writing and of Deep Dialogue that is being Finalized during the Chapter for 12 Days, until April 16th, 2024. This is underway after more than Year of Work by...
It is a Work of Writing and of Deep Dialogue that is being Finalized during the Chapter for 12 Days, until April 16th, 2024. This is underway after more than Year of Work by...
The Team is composed of – from left to right: Mr. John DDUNGU, from Uganda, Ms. Victoria DRAPER from Uruguay, Ms. Yvette MEUS from Haiti, Ms. Belen CORUñA MOZO from Spain, Ms. Françoise LE...
A World Tour! Each Participant was able to explore the 11 Provinces and Districts of the Congregation in many places in the House. The Major Superiors presented in the form of Large Posters the...
Better understanding the realities of the Mennaisian Family, enabling the Development of the Family and creating Animation Commissions in each Province and District: These are the Objectives proposed by the International Commission of the...
+ 6 young Brothers are invited to experience the Chapter They participate in the Entire Meeting, without the Right to Vote. These are the Bros: Aiden RUKUNDO, Olivier IGIRANEZA, Franciskus GUA MAKING, Philippe...
“You are called to be Witnesses and Watchers animated by the Power of Hope” strongly emphasized Father Alberto Toutin, Preacher of the Chapter Retreat. “The Fraternity of the Congregation and the Mennaisian Family is...
The Fire and the Paschal Candle Lord, Sanctify this Fire. Light is Transmitted from one to the other… from the Paschal Candle. The Symbols of the Paschal Candle: The Cross, The Alpha and Omega,...
Celebration of the Good Friday.
Holy Thursday. Foot Washing. The Holy Supper
These three Holy Days are experienced by the Capitulants to the Rhythm of a Silent Retreat led by Father Alberto Toutin, Superior General of the Fathers of Picpus, Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of...