Category MENU

Who are we ?

The Brothers Living fully, cheerfully and fraternally To be a Brother, is to experiment God who loves infinitely as a fire that warms, a breath that invites to leave everything so as to live...

Contacts near you…

… and around the world EUROPE • EUROPE • EUROPA FRANCE • FRANCE • FRANCIA Vannes Maison Provinciale 4, rue François d’Argouges, 56000 VANNES – France  ANGLETERRE • ENGLAND • INGLATERRA Liverpool Delegate for...

Frère Lucien SIMON

(André-Dominique) Naissance : Carentoir (France) le 02 octobre 1932 Noviciat : le 15 août 1949, à Jersey Profession perpétuelle : 1er août 1960 Province Saint Jean-Baptiste (France) Décédé à l’hôpital de Ploërmel, jeudi 05 mai...

The Union Treaty

On June 6, 1819, Fathers Gabriel Deshayes and Jean-Marie de la Mennais signed a “treaty of union” at Saint-Brieuc where they pooled their energies “to procure for the children of the people, especially those...

The Sisters – Contacts

France Rennes St-Brieuc:     England England :     Canada Qué Saskatchewan:       General Council of the Congregation elected in 2014 : Sr. Huguette Provost, Superior General,...