Who are we ?
The Brothers Living fully, cheerfully and fraternally To be a Brother, is to experiment God who loves infinitely as a fire that warms, a breath that invites to leave everything so as to live...
The Brothers Living fully, cheerfully and fraternally To be a Brother, is to experiment God who loves infinitely as a fire that warms, a breath that invites to leave everything so as to live...
Words from Brothers and young people in formation “I like very much their way of living. They like to be active; they are audacious, united, joyful, and optimistic. As for us, the adults, we...
Frère Pierre VOLARD (Gabriel-Maurice) Naissance : Legé (France) le 11 novembre 1937 Noviciat : le 15 août 1953, à Jersey Profession perpétuelle : 1er août 1964 Province Saint Jean-Baptiste (France) Décédé à la communauté...
… and around the world EUROPE • EUROPE • EUROPA FRANCE • FRANCE • FRANCIA Vannes Maison Provinciale 4, rue François d’Argouges, 56000 VANNES – France louis.seite@mennaisien.org ANGLETERRE • ENGLAND • INGLATERRA Liverpool Delegate for...
A desire, a call… Every Brother has his own history … At the beginning he felt attracted by the life in community, the closeness to the young people, the commitment in education, the desire...
(André-Dominique) Naissance : Carentoir (France) le 02 octobre 1932 Noviciat : le 15 août 1949, à Jersey Profession perpétuelle : 1er août 1960 Province Saint Jean-Baptiste (France) Décédé à l’hôpital de Ploërmel, jeudi 05 mai...
On June 6, 1819, Fathers Gabriel Deshayes and Jean-Marie de la Mennais signed a “treaty of union” at Saint-Brieuc where they pooled their energies “to procure for the children of the people, especially those...
Saint-Malo and La Chesnaie Jean-Marie de la Mennais was born on September 8th, 1780 in Saint-Malo where his father was a ship-owner. Repeatedly at the time of the scarcities, this one armed the ships...
〉 Schools and Educational Centres 〉 Solidarity 〉 Mennaisian Pedagogical Itinerary 〉 Directory of La Mennais Schools and Educational Centres
France Rennes :nivoit.maryvonne@orange.fr St-Brieuc: maroulin@orange.fr England England : thamesam@hotmail.com Canada Québec:provost.hug@videotron.ca Saskatchewan: dbussiere2@shaw.ca General Council of the Congregation elected in 2014 : Sr. Huguette Provost, Superior General,...