Spirituality and Charism
At the heart of the Mennaisian Any charisma is a gift of the Spirit to the Church and to the humanity to answer its needs. It is a question of living the Gospel in...
At the heart of the Mennaisian Any charisma is a gift of the Spirit to the Church and to the humanity to answer its needs. It is a question of living the Gospel in...
EUROPE • EUROPE • EUROPA FRANCE • FRANCE • FRANCIA ANGLETERRE • ENGLAND • INGLATERRA Maison Provinciale 1, bd Foch 56801 PLOERMEL Cedex – France province.vannes@mennaisien.org Delegate for France and England Bro James HAYES...
Do we commit ourselves right away? To become a Brother, two things are very important, discernment and freedom! You do not become Brother in one day! The time for listening and discernment is necessary...
130 youths are in formation To Become a Brother To become a Brother | Listening to the call | You have 8 new messages | Some stages | Youth Formative Centres and...
Events and people who help to listen to the call God does not speak in a visible and audible way. He speaks to the heart, in silence, through his Word. He speaks to me...
To build something long-lasting requires time. The time for discovery and reflection, the time for experiment and commitment … The Postulate It is a time to experiment the community life and the mission of...
“When you ask yourself the question to become a Brother, think that it is a grace, a chance which is given to you, as a small flame that God puts in your heart to...