To discover and to know the Brothers. To become a Brother
To discover and to know the Brothers. To become a Brother
Lay collaborators, men and women are called to participate in the educative mission
Activities and contacts with groups, volunteers…
Connections with other realities linked to the Mennaisian Family ...
An invitation received, a first contact, and subsequent meetings. Initial relationships are important. “I start my first steps, but I feel good, I feel accepted as I am and I am learning to accept...
This Commission has for mission * to encourage communication at the Mennaisian Family level, * to ensure joint formation initiatives and the pooling of resources for the various modalities of engagement in the Mennaisi-an...
United, everything becomes possible. Being linked to a team means making one body. It Is to share one’s life with others. To stop, think and act together. Walking with a team, it’s an adventure....
A Family… Brothers and laymen, each according to the state of his life and his choices is called to join a family. The family, is the place where we are welcomed, in confidence, and...