For the first time! Brothers and laypeople are gathered for the first time with the same number, in a joint meeting of 21 Brothers and 21 laypeople. The challenge? Following the General Chapter which was held in March, 2018 by the entire Congregation, the Saint- John the Baptist Province appropriated the final document. The assembly welcomed the text to decline it from the realities of France and England. Bro Vincent Ssekate, Assistant General participated in the assembly.
Plenary assembly with all the participants
As a first step, each participant was invited to make proposals in the form of a motion. Six Brothers and lay commissions were established then.
Concretely, the themes were broken down into the following topics: the Mother House: symbol, reference and source, Vocations ministry, Educational mission and Educational Centres, Brothers and laity: Community formation.
The aim of this meeting? Encourage, support, develop, propose, associate and innovate.
Practical proposals will be available at the end of this meeting this Friday
Times of prayer, celebration and fraternal exchanges punctuate the meeting that continues this Friday.
Bro Thierry Beauplet, Bro Vincent Ssekate, Mrs Bernadette Petton
The names of the participants are:
Marie-Christine Antoine, Valérie Bailleul-Boutet, Camille Bron, Myriam Cabot, Alain Caillon, Claire Charlemagne, Denis Chevrel, Agathe De Miniac, Corentin Dugast, Joseph Fauchoux, Camille Guitton, Jean-Claude Jacob, Martine Kerfourn, Françoise Le Breton, Claire Lehugeur, Loïc Le Touzo, Corentin Ogier, Éric Paulay, François Péron, Bernadette Petton, Ludovic Thoraval
Brothers :
Louis Balanant, Thierry Beauplet, Laurent Bouillet, André Boussaud, Michel Bouvais, Pierrick Busson, André Cadoret, Pierre Gautier, Michel Guyomarc’h, Jean-Yves Hamon, Rémy Harel, James Hayes Yannick Houssay, Alain Josselin, Claude Launay, Robert Léaustic, Régis Lefrère, Olivier Migot, Jean Pétillon, Louis Séité, Vincent Ssekate.