Canada: “Four Seasons of the Mennaisian Family” – “Discoveries” Weekend

“The Animation of the Theme of the Year, in the Province of Jean de la Mennais, was now experienced in the form of the “Four Seasons of the Mennaisian Family”.

  • In the Fall, everyone participated via Videoconference in the dynamic and interactive Launch of the Year.
  • In the Heart of Winter, the Theme was explored in depth through prolonged Encounters with people who gave Luminous Testimonies.
  • In Spring, we took care of Our Spiritual Roots through a careful but also Inclusive Retreat, since other people participated with us on site or remotely.
  • And the year ends with the Summer Weekend in the Countryside at the welcoming Domaine du Lac Paterson, two days of Intergenerational Activities filled with Sunshine, Joy, Meaning, Life and Belonging.

The waterfront pavilion, behind the De-La-Salle Residence in Laval, an Intercongregational Environment where around twenty FICs benefit from Excellent Health Care

We just experienced the Second Edition of the Discovery Weekend and it still transported us. About thirty people on site at the Pavillon du bord de l’eau in Laval, along with about sixty others through the Magic of Zoom in Quebec, New Brunswick and Mexico, met Inspiring Guides for two days. They led us to deepen the Invitation that was extended to us to be Pilgrims on the Path of Prayer.

On Saturday, Eric and Brigitte introduced us to Pilgrim Spirituality, which could guide each of Our lives, even if they are sedentary and aging. Their very Pedagogical Ignatian Approach – both came from the Field of Education – allowed us to be more Present to the Presence, that Beautiful Formula with which we translated the Theme of the Year in Our Province. On Sunday, a precious friend of the Community, Yvon Métras, joined us and was touched by the sharing of his long experience as a Pastor but also of his own Experience: yes, it was true, Prayer is a Path, and we never stop walking it and being surprised by it…

Brotherly Joy of Sharing, Meeting, Discovering, Opening up to Others…

I would like to extend a huge thank you to the Animation Team: Jacques, Sophie, Line, Linda and Martha who, with me, created, prepared and proposed those Meetings to the Mennaisian Family, including of course my Brothers of all ages. What pride and what emotion to see all those Beautiful People agreed to set off on the Journey each time!

Mennaisian Family Meetings, under the sign of Fraternal Conviviality

Testimony of Brother Mario Houle (Provincial)

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