BUILDING ON THE ROCK. Rev. Brother Hervé ZAMOR, sg, invites us to be salt and light in the footsteps of the pioneer Brothers

Brothers at Saint-Marc, Haïti, 1937

«How are we going to build on this legacy? » questions  Brother Hervé Zamor in his letter to the Mennaisian Family, which has just been published, to be read here.

How can we not marvel at this rich heritage – figures, events… – availability, hope, audacity, sweetness and credibility? How can we not rely on these pioneers who knew how to build their lives on the rock of God alone by surrendering to Divine Providence? »

In turn, we find ourselves plunged into the audacity of Brother Zoël, a baker at the heart of a famine, Brother Ambroise’s hope in the face of failures in the West Indies,

Bro Célestin Auguste in the Rocky Mountains, at Ste Marie in 1907.

the gentleness of Brother Hyacinthe, the saint of Basse-Terre, Brother Arthur’s credibility in the face of the insurgents of Fort-de-France.

Bro Constantin Marie in front of the House of the Holy Cross in Alaska, in 1907.

«I ask the Lord to bless you by bringing down the dew from heaven which will fertilise the work of your hands. »

Text of the Letter to the Mennaisian Family.