Brother Quirino KAKONGE

Birth : November 5, 1967 at Kigoto, Uganda.
Novitiate : August 12, 1992 (Kisubi).
Perpetual Profession : January 1, 1999

Bro Quirino KAKONGE passed away at the hospital of Kisubi on January 17, 2021, at the age of 53, of which 28 in the religious life.

St Teresa of the Child Jesus Province

Appointments :

1995 Kasasa St. Lwanga Secondary School Teacher
1999 Kisubi St. Mary’s College Teacher
2003 Kisubi Kisubi Boys’ Primary School Teacher
2011 Kisubi San Donosio Ssebuggwawo’s Teacher
2013 Kisubi Kisubi Boys Primary School Teacher
2014 Kakooge Saint Jude Primary School Teacher
2016 Makerere La Mennais House Teacher