Family photo after sharing the picnic
“Saturday, March 1, 2025, our Mennaisian Pilgrimage began at 8:45 a.m. at the Monastery of our Cistercian Sisters, Notre-Dame de l’Etoile. We were 25 participants: Brothers, Postulants, Aspirants, Lay Mennaisians, Staff of our Schools. After a few instructions, we began our walk.

Prayer and exchange walk
First, a walk through the Monastery property in small groups of 7 or 8 with recitation of the Rosary, reading and discussion based on the Pope’s message for Lent 2025. Then Brother Victor led a time of teaching.

Teaching time
Late morning: midday prayer with the Nuns. We then shared our picnics in the Fraternity.
Around 1:30 p.m., we ended with a time of sharing and promised to meet again in May or June. Then it was back home.

It’s time to say goodbye
This Mennaisian pilgrimage to Parakou is part of the Mennaisian Pilgrimage Program to be carried out by sector as part of the animation of the Saint-Paul District in this year when we are called to be pilgrims on the Path of Prayer.
Testimony of Brother Philippe LAUNAY, Thian (Benin)