BENIN: Missionary Experience of Marie and Vincent in the Community of THIAN.

With the Kindergarten Children: Vincent, Raymonde, Marie and Martine

Marie and Vincent LEFEUVRE joined the FIC Community of Thian in Benin since the beginning of December. Their plan was to stay for Three Months to live with the Brothers in order to express their Faith and their Desire for Service.

Let us listen to their Testimony:
“We arrived there in Benin in the Community of Thian on December 2nd  to live a Mission Experience for 3 Months in the service of the Brothers. We were very well received and today we are Completely Integrated; we feel “at home” among the Brothers and all the people who lived there near or far. We were driven by a desire to leave our comfort zone to help others, in whatever form… (in a Continent that we loved, for several reasons…)

With Louis’ Family surrounded by Marie and Brother Philippe

And that’s exactly what we did here: Classroom Help, Adult Literacy, Academic Support, Tidying, DIY, Cleaning, Various and Varied Arrangements… and in the Pipeline: Support for improving French for Applicants and a Ugandan Brother at the start of the School Year in January.
All these Activities also immerse us in the Daily Life of the Brothers, with their Times of Prayer, especially Vespers at the End of the Day, a Moment that we particularly appreciate. It helped us to refocus on Our Faith. December being the Month of “Temporary or Definitive Vows,” we attended several of these very Beautiful Moments with Brother Philippe. Here again we were touched by the Joy, the Fervour and the Enthusiasm of the Promisors. Very Beautiful Testimonies of Faith!

Marie and Vincent visiting Pierre

We have two Months left to Discover, Learn and Share. Thank you to the Brothers of the Thian Community for allowing us to live that Extraordinary Experience!

Testimonies by Marie and Vincent

Time of DIY

Near the Manger: Brother Philippe, Vincent and Marie

Vincent and Marie celebrated Christmas with Marceline and her daughter Catherine

The Thian Community was made up of four Brothers: Bro Philippe (see above)

Bro Victor

Bro Noah … with children

Bro Christophe with some pupils

1-Brother Philippe LAUNAY, Superior of the Community, Treasurer of the Jean de la Mennais Catholic School Complex (CSCJM) in Thian.

2-Brother Victor SAMBIANI, Director of the Postulate, Community Treasurer, Coordinator of Vocations Ministry, Literacy Leader, Teaches Religion at the CSCJM.

3-Brother Christophe DIEGBENE, Director of the CSCJM, Teaches French.

4-Brother Noah TUSASIRWE, Assistant to the Director of the Postulate, Teaches English at the CSCJM, continuing the Mastery of French.

Jean-de-la-Mennais School, in Thian