Obrigado! Thank you, in Portuguese. Pope Francis used this word during his dispatch on Sunday, before announcing to the World that the next WYD in 2027 will take place in Seoul, South Korea. The predictions of the young La Mennais were good for Seoul! Cheer. Francis also invites young people to Rome in 2025 for the Jubilee of the Holy Year on the Theme of Hope. In turn, let’s share together strong expressions of Pope Francis, the experience of the JMJ La Mennais Teams and the Images and Interviews of the Koreans now assigned for the future. On the way!

To the Rhythm of the Sun, Water, links…
“We cherish the memories created here, testify several young La Mennais jmjistes. This morning’s Vigil and Mass provided an opportunity to listen to Francis’ words of Wisdom. We are touched by the fact that it is Addressed to everyone, to every young person. »
The Brothers’ Team: Bros. Rafa from Spain, Adrien from Rwanda – who was 50m from the other La Mennais Groups, among hundreds of thousands of other people, unbelievable! – and James, from England-France.
My meeting with Jesus
“Let us renew our meeting with Jesus this evening” invited Pope Francis on Saturday during the Vigils and at Nightfall. Let’s say to Him, “Lord Jesus, I thank You and I follow You. I love You and I want to walk with You”.
Thank you for traveling, walking and coming! The Virgin Mary, too, traveled to visit Elizabeth: “She got up and went in haste” (Lk 1:39).
Let us renew this evening our Encounter with Jesus, in the Heart of the Night.
Roots of Joy
“Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a Tree, a big and beautiful tree… How does this tree resist the storms and the winds that shake it, how does it stay firm? Thanks to its roots. The same goes for us: The Roots give us the stability we need. They are the Hidden Sources of the Soul.
Dear friends, let us become worthy of our Roots, of those who gave us life, Faith and Love! But believe that we too can be Sources of Joy for others.
But I wonder: how to become Roots of Joy? Mary shows it to us: she cultivates Joy along the way. She tells us that to grow and keep Joy, we must learn the Art of Walking.
First: get up. Rise from the ground, because we are made for Heaven; to stand up to life, not sit on the couch. Rise from Sadness to raise our gaze upwards”.
“We are made for Heaven! »
In Orbit around ourselves
“Do you know why we often get lost on the way? Because we remain in Orbit around ourselves. On the contrary, he who comes out of his Orbit finds himself, he who spends himself for others wins himself, because one only possesses life by giving it. Like Mary, who receives a Gift from God and immediately makes herself a Gift for Elizabeth.
But if we only revolve around our “self”, our needs, what we lack, we will always find ourselves at the starting point, crying over ourselves, looking sad, perhaps with the idea that everyone wants us. »
Pope Francis: “We only have Life by giving it!” »
Let’s get out of our why. For whom can I do something?
“How often do we fall prey to sadness that burns our best energies! No, let’s not let ourselves be taken Hostage by Loneliness and paralyzed by Melancholy, but let’s go to others.
Let’s get out of us “why” by asking ourselves “for whom”: for whom can I Do something? For whom to Offer my Time, who to Serve? »
Leave your Mobile phone and meet people!
“The Secret is in the Journey, in staying on a path, day after day, step by step, in the footsteps left by others, together. This is very important: together.
Doing it yourself in big things doesn’t work, and that’s why I say to you: please Don’t Isolate Yourself, seek others, experience God together, follow the paths group without getting bored.
You could say: “But everyone around me is busy with their Mobile Phone, they watch Television Series, they are attached to Social Networks and Video Games…”. You, go against the tide, without being afraid: take your life in hand, commit yourself; turn off the TV and Open the Gospel; leave your cell phone and meet people! »
“I am not up to it”
“But me – you could say – I am not up to it: I see myself as Fragile, Weak, I fall often! When you feel like this, please “Change Your Perspective”: don’t look at yourself with your own eyes, but think of God’s Eyes.
When you make Mistakes and let yourself go, what does He do? He is there, next to you and smiling at you, ready to take you by the hand with Tenderness.
“I offer you the Blessed Sacrament”

In the Silence of Adoration. This Encounter speaks to the Heart, Consoles, Encourages, Heals and Sends.
“That’s what happens now, in Worship: we look at Jesus and He looks at us. In the Silence, let His warm and sympathetic voice resonate, which speaks to the Heart, Consoles, Encourages, Heals and Sends. It’s not an Intimate Encounter, it’s the Strength to get up and leave.
The Author of The Lord of the Rings, one of the most adventurous journeys, wrote to his son: “I offer you the one great thing on Earth to Love: The Blessed Sacrament. You will find there the Charm, the Glory, the Honor, the Fidelity and the True Way of all your Loves on Earth” (JRR TOLKIEN, Letter 43, March 1941).
Before the Eucharist we find the Way, because Jesus is the Way”.
Sunday morning, the Sunrise caressed the immense plain around the River.
In the Eyes

“It’s a Great Atmosphere, afterwards it was completely different than in Panama because there weren’t many of us, especially at the French level! »t au niveau des français!”
“Dear young people, I would like to look each of you in the eye and tell him: do not be afraid! But I tell you something more beautiful: Jesus looks at you and Loves you always and infinitely. Come on!
Shine. “We shine – meaning giving Light – when by welcoming Jesus we learn to love like Him, because this is true beauty: A Life that risks for Love. With the Light of Jesus, it is possible! »
Listen. Listening to Jesus, conversing with Him, reading His Word, following Him, remaining open to His Surprises…
Tempted to discourage yourself
Have no fear. “To you young people who cultivate Big Dreams, who sometimes think they can’t achieve them, who are tempted to get discouraged, to judge yourselves unsuitable or to hide the pain by masking it with a smile, who want to change the World and Fight for Justice and Peace, who put your commitment and your imagination into it even though it seems to you not enough, Jesus said: “Do not be Afraid! “.
For the Lord loves you and walks by your side. With Him, Life is reborn, always. »
Walk with Mary

Mary cultivates Joy along the Way. She tells us that to grow and keep Joy, we must learn the Art of Walking. Here a Statue of Our Lady of Fatima where the Pope went during these WYD.
Get Up and Go!

Sunrise with the Spanish Team.

“Volunteering this Week as a Scout is a Way of Giving to Others what would I like to be given to me. »

With some of the 700 Young people from Ille-et-Vilaine, France with whom the La Mennais Team traveled.
“Dear young person, you who are here, tired because you have walked a lot but happy because you have lightened your Soul, with a Feeling of Freedom that things do not give you, get up:
Open your Heart to God, thank Him, Embrace the Beauty that you are;
Fall in Love with your Life and discover every day that you are Loved.
And then go: go out, walk with the others, look for those who are alone;
color the World with your steps and paint the Roads of Life with the Gospel.
Get up and go! »
Well back!

Back to Spain!
The JMJ La Mennais France Team joined the Bus this Sunday at the end of the day, for more than 20 hours of travel!

Bros James, Justino and Rafa on WYD night.
The JMJ La Mennais Spain Team came back well the night of Sunday to Monday. “Tired, but Happy! “.

Nice Meeting also with Br. Pierre Orain with Young people from Bain-de-Bretagne, France.
Another beautiful encounter during these World Youth Days was with Brother Pierre Orain, who accompanied a group of young people from Bain-de-Bretagne, France. Bro Pierre is present throughout the year for Multiple Activities.
Seoul 2027. “We will welcome the young people of the World with Joy! »

Pope Francis announces that the Next WYD will take place in…2027
Heading now to SEOUL WYD 2027 in KOREA.
Hoo Hyun Lee – Grégoire in French –, Korean Journalist, shared his reactions to the Hosting of WYD in Korea, in 2027.
Watch the Video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=193317153629618

The Leaders of the Korean Delegation to the WYD in Lisbon reacted following the announcement of the next WYD. Already a Team with young people, including two Delegates below, will be implemented…
Woken up by a surprise DJ
Upright! Being woken up by a DJ tells you! Sunday at 7:30 a.m.: Thundering Music mixed by a DJ Priest: it’s mind-blowing! The dance immediately became contagious in the Park. Enthusiasm, Good Humor, Rhythm, and Joy!
If you also want to listen to a Piece of Music heard several times at WYD
Brave heart – RIOPY : https://youtu.be/jdsxZlgkqmM
God, it’s Beautiful!
Yes, Fatigue, Overwhelming Heat, Noise, sometimes not a place to lay your Head and Eat serenely, an Exhausting Daily Rhythm, very busy and yet…
God it’s Beautiful!
The Petals launched from the Towers of the Immense Podiums…like a Rain
The Looks, my God, the Looks: looking at your eyes, the eyes of others, there, looking at the smiles!
These Artists, Musicians, Dancers, Clowns, Theater People, Dancers, Choreographers, Painters, Creators…
These Women and Men of Services to others: Firefighters, Rescuers, Police, Drivers, Cleaning Teams…
These Countless Volunteers of all ages, from all over the World.
These Group Leaders, Educators, Animators, Religious or not, present at all times, permanent, available, inhabited…
These Faces of People who don’t walk, don’t speak, or don’t see and who smile, smile, help, help each other, radiate…
These Surprise Encounters, these Fragile and Strong Seconds, these Checking Hands, these exchanged Bracelets, these scattered Rosaries…
This friendship that wants to last, these promises that are exchanged, these loves that are entrusted, these challenges to come…
A shower of beauty!
Obrigado! Thank you to the Media Team JMJ LA MENNAISi

Part of Team La Mennais Médias JMJ in Lisbon. From left to right: Camille, Corentin, Claire, F. James and Arnaud.
10 Reports published on this Site were compiled during the JMJ Lisbon 2023 by the JMJ LA MENNAIS Media Team composed of: Camille Guitton, Corentin Ogier, Elise Urvoas, Claire Tanguy, Arnaud Morandeau, Bro. James Hayes, Bro. Rafa Alonso, Brother Justino de Santiago, Michel Tanguy.
Greetings also to Bro Hervé Asse who ensured the follow-up for the translations and the online publication of the English and Spanish versions with the help of Bros Luis Manuel Cuesta and Eugene Mwesigye.
The posts on this site and the facebook.com/lamennais.org network have been read by hundreds of Internet users.
Thanks also to the messages received, especially from several Brothers:
Bro Yannick Houssay, Provincial of France, «Much peace and joy to all».
Bro Dino, Postulator:” It is beautiful to see the Mennaisian family of the Youth of the Congregation at WYD. We have a very great tradition of Young Mennaisian Brothers and Laics who have risen and walked the streets of the whole world to bring the Good News of Jesus: they have brought bread, knowledge, the gospel to the poorest and abandoned, often giving their lives with joy. You follow in their footsteps and open new paths of holiness.”
Bro François Pichard, of Josselin: “I looked with great interest at the follow-up to WYD. Images and texts are invigorating. I shared this with the Brothers of Maison Saint Martin. Thank you to the entire team.”
And fraternal greetings to the whole community of Maison St-Martin, France!
Bro Michel Guyomarc’h, Rennes Community: “Thank you very much for all these successive mailings that have made us remain in communion with all of you. Opportunity for us at the table to talk about you regularly as well as at the Oratory… To keep in mind to nourish and carry the ordinary of everyday life. Bon Vent to all.”
Bro Michel Bouvais, Nantes Community: “We followed every day. I have been in Ciboure since yesterday. Good final of WYD. We were with you at Mass.”
Thank you also for the many clicks and reactions on Facebook and for the many signs of communion during Sunday Mass.