WITH THE YOUNG MENNAISIAN MISSIONARIES. Huatusco, place of an abundant life in Mexico

At the table of the Brothers, with in particular Bros Mario Couture, Miguel Aristondo, Brother Assistant, and Yvon R. Roy.

The mennaisian community of Huatusco lives in a torrent of life. The meetings follow one another non-stop. It is not a meaningless activism, but projects connected by the desire to give life to “little ones” in this area.

The table of the Brothers is an open table which calls. In those days, the Brothers welcome Guera, former pupil of the FIC of Haiti, who studies the international relations in Mexico City. He will spend this holy Week to make links with Mennaisians of Huatusco.

A group of young people of the Movement of the mennaisian youth is part of the group of missionaries who will live all the Holy Week long by livening up the rural communities around Huatusco.

The organisers of the Noah’s Ark – the Summer camp -meet together, invited by Carlos and Marta, persons in charge, to prepare this activity which gathers every year approximately 500 children and teenagers, proposing them a different way to spend their holidays.

We begin the HOLY WEEK in Family, by deepening with a big joy the features of our identity. The Passion of the Lord is translated into Passion for children and young people in the style of Jesus and of Jean-Marie.

For the first time, during the Holy Week, all the groups of the Mennaisian family of Huatusco have known a highlight of reflection and conviviality.

On this holy Wednesday, at John-Paul II Centre, the young people of the Movement of the Mennaisian youth (MJM) met together and was encouraged by Maria Fernanda and Brother Mario.Bro.  Guillermo with young people of Huatusco.

We give thanks to God for the horizon which opens with the presence of the “smallest” of the Mennaisian family.

They pass on a big vitality and a beautiful hope in the Mexican branch of the big tree which is getting ready to celebrate its 200 years.

Hno Guillermo Dávila