Appointments. 9 Brothers called to the service of the Congregation

Above, from left to right : Bros. Jean-Baptiste NDIAYE, Wilfried FARA, Eric MUGISA, Damien HABIMANA. Below, from left to right : Bros. Yvon DENIAUD, Claude GREGOIRE, Hervé ASSE, Miguel ARISTONDO and Luis-Manuel CUESTA.

Brother Hervé Zamor, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, during the last session of the General Ciuncil, in February-March 2023,  took the following decisions:

  • Saint-Paul District (Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo)

Brother Jean-Baptiste NDIAYE, Visitor of the District of Saint-Paul (Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo), for a new mandate of 3 years.

Brother Wilfried FARA, Assistant Visitor of the District of Saint-Paul (Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Togo), for the first mandate of 3 years.

  • Saint-Jean-Paul II District (Congo DRC, Rwanda)

Brother Eric MUGISA, Visitor of the District of Saint-Jean-Paul II (Congo DRC, Rwanda), for the first mandate of 3 years.

Brother Damien HABIMANA, Delegate of the Visitor for Rwanda, ex-official member of the District Council for the first mandate of 3 years.

  • Saint-Peter Chanel District (French Polynesia)

Brother Yvon Deniaud, Visitor of the District of Saint-Peter Chanel, for one year.

 Four Other Appointments

  • Brother Claude GRÉGOIRE, Procurator General for a second mandate.
  • Brother Hervé ASSE, Secretary General for the fourth mandate.
  • Frère Miguel ARISTONDO, responsible for Child Protection for the Congregation.

At the end of January, the Casa Generalizia welcomed Brother Luis-Manuel Cuesta. He comes to strengthen the Casa community and is available to provide many services, including translation.