APPOINTMENTS. 10 Brothers appointed by the General Council to serve 10 Countries

At the meeting of the General Council in May-June, Bro Hervé Zamor, sg, with the consent of his Council, appointed for a three-year term, from next 1st  July, the Brothers Provincials, Assistant Provincials, Visitors and Assistant Visitors:

Uganda- South Sudan. St Teresa of the Child Jesus Province

Superior Provincial :  Brother Casio AIZIRE and Assistant Provincials: Bros Rogers KAZIBWE and Gerard BYARUHANGA


Bro Casio AIZIRE, Bro Rogers KAZIBWE and Bro Gerard BYARUHANGA

Japan-Philippines-Indonesia. St-Francis-Xavier District

Brother Visitor: Bro Gildas PRIGENT and Brother Assistant Visitor: Bro Stéphane LE PAPE

Below : Bro Gildas Prigent and Bro Stéphane Le Pape

Canada – Mexico – USA. Jean de la Mennais Province

Brother Provincial: Bro Mario HOULE and Assistant Provincial: Bro Claude GELINAS

Below : Bro Mario HOULE and Bro Claude GELINAS

Haiti. St-Louis de Gonzague Province

Provincial Brother: Bro Géniaud LAUTURE and Assistant Provincial: Bro Joslyn GONTRAND

Below : Bro Géniaud LAUTURE and Bro Joslyn GONTRAND

Italy. Delegation of the General Council

Major Superior of the Delegation: Bro Jean-Paul PEUZÉ