The festival on September 16: with more than 150 invited guests, and most of the organisers of the Day Camp of Noah’s Ark, the John Paul II Centre of Huatusco celebrated its 10th anniversary.

Unveiling of the souvenir plaque where the names of the 286 animators of the 10 years of the Ark de Noah are inscribed. In the foreground, the 10-year-old cake.

In the speech of Bro. Mario Couture, Director of the Day Camp, we learned that from the beginning of the mission in Huatusco, his dream was to welcome children and young people from Huatusco and the surrounding villages.

Ten years later, the dream came true, with 3,052 children and youths aged 4 to 14 attending the day camp.

Noah’s Ark Camp this summer was a great moment.

In addition, 286 animators from Mexico, but also from Canada, France and Haiti devoted themselves wholeheartedly to these children.

The festival, under the theme of a festival of films, was the scene of the projection of ten short photomontages, one for each of the years of this adventure of Noah’s Ark.

“The Aldor” given to all the guests at the party.

Each guest received his Oscar or rather his “Aldor”, inspired by the name of one of the animators, Aldo Lopez, who embodied the spirit of dedication, generosity and self-giving during his five years of loyal service.

Of course, the event was the occasion to share a good meal, the pozole, typical food of the country, on this day of the celebration of the independence of Mexico.

F. Mario




Risking of one’s life: the latest news from the land of Our Lady of Guadalupe

I will always be grateful to the General Council for having, in recent years, given scope to what my heart was waiting for. It has forged links with other realities and has integrated into the Mennaisian Family a new universe that drives us to see the world in a different way

The interculturality of religious life is not a survival strategy, but a way out of our own references as the Pope says, and open us to integrate other forms of thought, feeling … by remaining self but by discovering, assuming and valuing the seeds of the Kingdom that already exist in other cultures. It is not a strategy to welcome by convincing our point of view, but to go to meet the other and, together, discern the novelty of God, which is neither my idea nor that of my neighbour but something else

The photo accompanying this publication is just one more photo. But a whole life is hidden behind these faces.

We are at Huatusco-Veracruz-Mexico-, from right to left:

  • Brother Mario Couture, Canadian. A born animator, happy with children and young people. An extreme sensitivity for all these abandoned or orphaned children. He is creative, an expert in creating ties and getting for young people and adults a project that “saves” Mexican children and youths. He chose Mexico as a country of adoption.
  • Brother Gaétan Arseneault, Canadian. A missionary in Africa before arriving in Mexico. A spiritual man of great simplicity. Open to differences and ready to collaborate in the human development of any person. He leads the training workshops. Always in search of a permanent formation, he counts on the young Mexicans who would follow Christ as Mennaisian Brothers. Mario and he have given such testimonies of fraternity that the people of the region have confidence in them and give freely of their time and their property for the development of the work.
  • María Fernanda, Mexican layperson. A professional accountant, she is committed to being a missionary disciple with the Mennaisian brothers. Woman of character, she overflows with creativity. Knowing her people perfectly and, at the same time preoccupied with a new evangelization, she helped the brothers and other religious congregations in the Pastoral of Vocations. She participated in the creation of the group of young Mennaisians. With the Brothers, it forms a community of life and mission, gradually growing the spirit of the Mennaisian Family.
  • Brother Daniel Gautier, French. Spanish-French translator. He begins his second visit to Huatuso. He will remain this time until the next General Chapter (in March 2018). One might think that knowledge of the language helped him to be welcomed by the people of Huatusco. Surely ! But it was above all his open-heartedness that led him to open himself to a new culture, to leave the beaten track and to trust the possibility of continuing to generate life by following the novelties that God offers him in this new step. This led him to collaborate again in the project of implanting the Mennaisian charism on the Aztec lands

I am convinced that there is more than one Mennaisian Brother willing to risk his life in the world, so that interculturality is not only a strategy but a recourse of the Holy Spirit so that those who risk and those who welcome to see their lives transformed by the Good News of Jesus Christ following in the footsteps of Jean-Marie de la Mennais.

Thanks to you four! May the Virgin of Guadalupe protect and guide you. ”

F. Guillermo Dávila, assistant

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