ANIMATION TOOL. Bro Yvon Roy: “Making a Creative Journal is nourishing our Interiority”

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Initiatory Encounters. During 5 Discovery Meetings with Teams of varying compositions: Animators from the two “Villages of the Sources” of St-Urbain and Derval, School Pastoral Assistants, Educators, Teachers and Brothers, Bro. Yvon Roy, who came from Quebec, stayed in Brittany from June 3rd to 10th. He tells how this Animation Tool can be a useful way to help everyone develop their Inner Resources.

“Through our Mission, we are concerned with the Integral Development of young people by listening to them and being present with them,” explains Bro. Yvon Roy, who has extensive experience as a Teacher and Pastoral Animator and Community activities at the College Jean de la Mennais in La Prairie, Quebec. In class, during lessons or during Catechism activities, I was able to see how much accompanying by writing can be a good idea, for example by means of a Logbook.

Bro Yvon Roy marvels at the Discoveries of Young people but also of Adults and Families with the help of the Creative Journal.

In the early 1990s in Quebec, we were struggling with a wave of teenage suicides. We needed means to respond to these Emergencies and we sought Resources and developed tools.

First of all, there are the “Sentinel Support ones”: that is to say the young people themselves who listen and identify other young people in their Class who need support. It is a matter of detecting and acting and these young “Peer Helpers” are in contact with Adults who accompany them in a Crisis unit. These devices have continued with benefit for years and actively participate in prevention.

To make Speech Free

A tool to access our Inner Resources.

Another resource, the Creative Journal. It is a way for each young person to get to know each other, to create links between young people and to develop self-esteem. Invited by the Animation Teams of the two Villages des Sources of St-Urbain – Créach Balbé – and Derval thanks to the links initiated by Armelle and Mickaël Le Port, Bo Yvon allowed groups to try out the approach. “It’s a link with our Internal Resources,” he continues. We can be “picked up” by emotions and this tool helps us to develop our Interiority. The Diary allows a dive to understand our emotions and identify what I need”.

Experienced Workshops here with the Teams of the Villages des sources of St-Urbain and Derval.

By means of Collages, Drawings, Symbols, Writings… it is a question of freeing the word. With 12 years of practice and Interventions in Mexico, Quebec, New Brunswick and now in France, Bro Yvon marvels at the Discoveries of young people but also Adults and Families who experience these Workshops, their connection to themselves. The approach also fits in the same way for the In-depth Discovery of Biblical Texts, to feel what they awaken.

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