AFRICA – First vows by 4 Novices and the entrance into the Novitiate by 9 Postulants – from the District of St. Paul and from the District of St john Paul ll.

The 4 novices pronounce their vows at  the end of their retreat.

At  the end of their retreat which took place from the 19th to the 26th August 2019 at the monastery of Dzobégan, four Novices took their first Vows on the 3rd September at Dapaong, Togo.
They were Brothers:  Denis – from Senegal -, Germain – from Togo -, Jean de Dieu and Joseph – both from the Congo DRC -.

They committed themselves into the Congregation of the Brothers of Christian Instruction through the profession of the vows.

Parishioners, some members of Bro.Germain Yaoba’s family, a good delegation from Mango and many friends ,gathered together at the Parish of St. Paul at Dapaong for this beautiful celebration.

Bro Jean de la Croix, Visitor of the District of West Africa received the vows.

Bro Jean Herbinière, Master of novices for the District of  West Africa since the last 16 years, was greeted and thanked. He completed his term and will join the Novitiate community in Petion-ville, Haiti. He was replaced- at Dapaong-  by Bro Eric Mugica.

9 entrants into the Novitiate :  during the last week of August, nine young people entered into the novitiate. They will be under the direction of Bro Eric Mugica, the new Novice Master. The 9th Novice entered into the Novitiate on the 1st September .