How to join young people questioning the Brother’s life?
How to accompany the young Brothers?
How to find a balance in the management of Schools, Projects and Communities?
What new income generating activities – IGA- do we have to develop?
Would a new foundation be possible and in what ways on the African Continent?
How to encourage new initiatives for Africa?
How to implement a Community life project that also involves members of the Mennaisian Family?
How can resources be pooled together with Formators?
All these questions were examined in depth during the Africa Conference, by videoconference, during the 4 afternoons of 24th-27th February. The atmosphere was both studious and very fraternal.
The Major Superiors with their Council members of the two Provinces and two Districts worked all these subjects with the members of the General Council.
This concerns the following countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Congo DRC, Rwanda, Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Togo.
Presentations, workshops, working groups, debates punctuated the meetings.
The booklet of the acts of the 2016 Africa Conference served as a reference to measure developments since then.
The draft documents highlighted the objectives, guidelines and means proposed on each of these topics.
A document presenting the proceedings of the Conference will be distributed in a few weeks time.