Following an orientation of the General Chapter 2012, with the participation from many actors of the Provinces and Districts, the General Council carried out in 2018 a work, so that at the level of the Congregation, there may be a document that specifies a certain number of criteria to define what Mennaisian Education is.
This text can help in the mission of accompaniment of Mennaisian Schools of Provinces or Districts. It is above all a work tool.
The General Chapter 2018, for its part, asked that a Guide for the Application of the Charism be developed to guide the formation of Educators, Brothers and Laity.
This work resulted in a “Mennaisian Pedagogical Itinerary”, including four files that could be worked separately:
• The first folder is an Introductory text that invites to SET OUT ON THE WAY.
• The second leads everyone to LISTEN TO REALITY of the environment.
• The third provides tools to LISTEN TO THE CHURCH.
• The fourth proposes a methodology and pedagogy to DEVELOP THE MENNAISIAN EDUCATION PROJECT.
Discover “The Mennaisian Pedagogical Itinerary” >>>
Find also Special Issue of La Mennais Magazine on “Mennaisian Education” No. 26 >>>