Help us to protect this great spiritual place! It is the meaning of the call sent by the Brothers to the population: private individuals, companies, associations, communities …
A big transaction of participative financing is launched throughout the country of Ploërmel and well beyond with a document of presentation of the construction site spread in mailboxes.

Walls and stained-glass windows present disturbing fragilities: works became urgent. You can help in the financing.
6 months of works. The chapel of the Mother House of the Brothers showed disturbing signs of weakness in its walls and in its stained-glass windows for several months. Since last March the works have started in the chapel, of 43 meters long and 20 meters high.
The reinforcement and encircling of the top of the walls and of the framework is in progress as well as the removal and the repair of the very damaged stained-glass windows. The works of restoration are supervised by an architect, and directed by engineering consulting firms. The main works are going to spread out over six months, from April till September.

Big scaffolds.
This call is guided by Bro Michel Bouvais, Director of the Mother House, in connection
with Bro Rémy Harel, Treasurer of the Province.
“The Congregation of the Brothers receives no subsidy for the Chapel, explains Bro Michel. It defrays by itself the expenses of the operation, by a loan, and by its own funds which essentially come from the Brothers’ salaries and pensions.
The estimated total cost is 460 000 Euros. So we count on the generosity of all the people who are willing to help us” Bro Michel continues.
” By bringing an offering, you thereby help us to complete the works and thus maintain our Chapel in a good state, for the benefit of the Brothers, visitors, tourists as well as for all the people who live in and around Ploërmel.

The building is like the heart of the Mother House of Ploërmel.
These works are also going to brighten up the celebrations that will mark, in 2019, the 200th anniversary of the Foundation of the Congregation.
We thank you in anticipation for all that you can do to help us financially. ”
During the construction in 1853-1854, by John Mary de la Mennais, the construction site employed 200 men of Ploërmel who lived a period of scarcity and unemployment. Then the Founder of the Brothers assured work and bread to 200 families of Ploërmel.

Bro Michel Bouvais, Brother Superior of the Mother House is the pilote of the operation of collection of donations: ” Participate in this beautiful construction site!
The Chapel of the Brothers is well known by the people who live in the region of Ploërmel. They frequent it for parochial events such as the Corpus Christi Day, but also by groups of children and young people in meetings of confirmation or communion in different rooms of the Brothers’ Mother House, or sometimes when the church St- Armel was unavailable because of repair works in progress. It is also a part of the circuit of visits, with the astronomical Clock and the museums.
Bro Michel Bouvais – Mother House of the Brothers – 1 Boulevard Foch-BP 35 – 56801 e-mail PLOËRMEL cedex Mail : fic.ploermel@laposte.net

Father de La Mennais’ tumb is in the Chapel. A celebration takes place every month, on the 26th, to pray at the intentions of the Novena and to pray for the beatification of the Founder.