A beautiful assembly met on Saturday 1st, October, on the site of the CENA: children of the center, parents, the staff around M. Pierre-Jean BAR, Headteacher. The 3 congregations – Brothers of the Christian Instruction, St Joseph of Cluny Sisters and Priests of Saint-Jacques-were well represented. This initiative of creating on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of their arrival in Haiti is theirs: audacity to establish in the heart of the “Cité Soleil ” – poor district of Port-au-Prince, an educational center for children excluded from the school system.
Everything was to make at the beginning and in this 2nd year of functioning, the essential structures for the education, instruction and evangelization of these children are very visible. It is thanks to the help of numerous associations. This project would not have been possible without the family SALIBA. That one donated the ground, in the middle of an industrial aerea, to launch this innovative and educational project. A former industrial site which is transformed little by little into an educational oasis. Trees planted by the children are now grow up !
This day would not have been so beautiful and successful, if the 50 children of the center had not been at the heart of the animation. Their smiles and their pride to wear the uniform of the CENA meant a lot and led to predict a bright future to this audacious project.
You will find below the link of the last newsletter CENA information of September, 2016 (in French).
The SALIBA Family,
Pierre-Jean BAR,
Sister Marie-Agathe,
Brother HErvé ZAMOR
Mr. Pierre Jean BAR, director of the CENA, M. SALIBA, benefactor, Bro Hervé ZAMOR, Brother Provincial
Sister Marie-Agathe, a Sister of St Joseph de Cluny, Mr. Pierre-Jean BAR’s assistant.