The Next General Chapter is in sight! It will open on March 26th at Casa Divin Maestro, in Ariccia, on the heights of Castel Gandolfo.

For months, Communities and Groups of the Mennaisian Family have been invited to prepare Suggestions and Meditations.

Based on the Gospel of the Wedding of Cana (Jn 2:1-11), the theme “Servants of Hope” was presented in detail by Bro Hervé Zamor, Superior General, in his Circular entitled “SERVANTS OF HOPE”.The other Circular of the Superior General: CALLED AND SUMMONED presented the Seven-Month Journey to the Chapter from September 2023 to March 2024. It took place in Seven Stages with as many calls for contributions requested from the Laity and Brothers. This is part of a Synodal Process, one listening to the other and all listening to the Holy Spirit.

The Casa Divin Maestro prepares to welcome the Delegates.

Here are the themes and questions

September 2023

1- Communing with Mary’s Compassion:What do we want to present to Jesus through Mary so that our lives as Mennaisian:  Brothers or Laypeople, may be more hopeful for ourselves and for others, especially for the most disadvantaged children and youth?



2- Daring to call on Jesus’ Hour:For which New Community dreams would we like Jesus to anticipate His Hour?
Today, which “miracles of Jesus” would we dare to ask for our Province or District, for the Institute?

November 2023

3- Listening to and putting into practice the Word of the Lord:What is the Lord asking us to do? What does He expect from us? What grace would we like to receive in order to achieve what He asks of us?

December 2023

4- Filling the Jars:What is the best that our Local Community has to offer to the Lord, to the Brothers, to the Educational Community, to the Mennaisian Family, to Children and Youth?

January 2024

5- Drawing and bringing the New Wine:What challenges does this represent for the Local Community?
What challenges does this represent for our Apostolic Commitments?
What challenges does this represent for the Congregation (Province – District)?

February 2024

6- Savouring the New Wine:How do we respond to the Lord’s calls to Holiness?
What Thanksgiving(s) do we give?
What Request(s) for forgiveness do we make?
What Grace(s) do we ask for?

March 2024

7- Welcoming the Sign:For which signs of Jesus do we want to give thanks?
What signs of Jesus should we welcome today?

Prayer in preparation for the Next General Chapter

Mary, Handmaid of Hope,
at the wedding in Cana, you are considerate
and you intercede with your Son Jesus.

Present to Him today, in our name,
the needs of the Mennaisian Family.
In His Hour, He will know how to meet them
so that out of our shortcomings and frailties
a New Life will emerge.

In this time of preparation
for our 28th General Chapter,
trusting in your maternal care,
we wish to imitate your faith and your audacity
and offer to the children and young people of today
the New Wine of the Gospel.

Teach us, as you did at Cana,
to welcome your Son Jesus
and to do whatever He tells us.
Make us servants of Hope,
Compassionate and Attentive,
Courageous, Faithful and Bold Witnesses,
Joyful in the footsteps of their Master.

God alone in time!
God alone in eternity!


Brother Hervé Zamor, S.G.

Marie, Servante de l’espérance,

aux noces de Cana, tu te fais prévenante

et tu intercèdes auprès de ton Fils Jésus.

Présente-lui aujourd’hui, en notre nom,

les besoins de la Famille mennaisienne.

À son heure, il saura les exaucer :

ainsi, de nos manques et de nos fragilités

émergera une vie nouvelle.

En ce temps de préparation

à notre 28ème Chapitre général,

confiants en ta maternelle prévenance,

nous voulons imiter ta foi et ton audace

et offrir aux enfants et aux jeunes d’aujourd’hui

le vin nouveau de l’Évangile.

Apprends-nous, comme toi,

à accueillir ton Fils Jésus

et à accomplir tout ce qu’il nous dira.

Fais de nous des serviteurs de l’espérance,

des témoins compatissants et attentifs,

courageux, fidèles et audacieux,

joyeux de marcher à la suite de leur Maître.

Dieu seul dans le temps !

Dieu seul dans l’éternité !

Amen !

Frère Hervé Zamor, s.g.

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