OCTOBER. An extraordinary missionary month and launching of twinning between the 123 communities of the congregation

At Pandahill Secondary School, Tanzania.

“Overcoming the temptation of all pessimism, all sterile nostalgia for the past and opening oneself to the joyful newness of the Gospel”. It was with these words that Pope Francis proposed to the Church an extraordinary Missionary Month organised on the occasion of the centenary of the promulgation of the Apostolic Letter Maximum illud of Pope Benedict XV (in 1919) on missionary activity which invited people to leave the borders of nations.

This appeal joins the Bicentenary of the Congregation of the Brothers of Christian Instruction and the message by Bro Hervé Zamor, Superior General, addressed last June “Going on Mission” –

See the video on the right on the Website.

This month of missionary of October 2019 is an invitation to rediscover the meaning of mission for all the baptised: a life received to share, “a wealth to give, to communicate, to proclaim”.

It is also a call to conversion, because “a Church that goes out to the far ends requires constant and permanent missionary conversion”.

Something that concerns us personally, because “we are always a mission”.

Twinning between 123 communities

A proposal is made to each community of the Congregation: To enter into contact with at least one other community of another Province or District of the Institute.

Here at St Donatien College in Derval, France, part of the community with young people. Photo Michael Barat

To come into contact in various ways, to create ties with other Brothers and lay people, to open ourselves to the Congregation in its international dimension and to discover other realities.

Here is the list of th twinning of communities, suggested by the General Council :

Buenos Aires Gisenyi RWANDA Faaa St Hilaire Dapaong noviciat TOGO
Villa Gobernador Gálvez Kisubi St Mary’s UGANDA Papeete Franç. d’Assise Kasasa School UGANDA
Lujàn de Cuyo Kitovu UGANDA Taïohae Ogaro carto TOGO
Bedford Parakou BENIN Maldonado Larantuka INDONESIA
Dolbeau Velingara SENEGAL    
La Prairie infirmerie Aneho TOGO PHILIPPINES    
La Prairie maison mère Mbeya TANZANIA Manille scolasticat Abidjan La Mennais COTE D’IVOIRE
La Prairie maison prov. Kisubi Alp. Zayera UGANDA Pandan Rombo TANZANIA
Montréal Pétionville Gab Desh. HAITI San José Nkozi UGANDA
Pointe du Lac Bunia CONGO RDC    
Shédiac Cape Dungu CONGO RDC FRANCE    
St-Romuald Atkinson Kabojja UGANDA Bain de Bretagne Thian BENIN
St-Romuald Etchemin Kakooge St Jude UGANDA Châteaulin Rubaga UGANDA
  Ciboure Lomé TOGO
Culiprán Bukuumi UGANDA Douarnenez Nzega TANZANIA
Llay Llay Ibanda UGANDA Guérande Delmas HAITI
  Hennebont Jacmel HAITI
BOLIVIA   Josselin Kisubi Mt St Teresa UGANDA
El Alto La Vallée HAITI Lourdes Pétionville Postulat HAITI
San Borja Ouanaminthe HAITI Malestroit Meru KENYA
  Nantes Tilleuls Nairobi KENYA
USA   Paris Kakooge St JP II UGANDA
Alfred Buhungiro UGANDA Ploërmel Maison mère Kambuga UGANDA
North Canton Riimenze SOUTH SUDAN Redon Diourbel SENEGAL
  Rennes Thiès SENEGAL
ENGLAND   Savenay Nebbi UGANDA
Liverpool Kisubi Al. Lutaaya UGANDA St-Brieuc Kasasa novitiate UGANDA
  St-Malo Kisubi Savio UGANDA
ESPAÑA   Vannes Port-au-Prince Turg. HAITI
Aguilar Cap Haïtien HAITI    
Bilbao Berrio Ochoa Cayes HAITI JAPAN    
Bilbao Etxe Babati TANZANIA Yokohama Mubende UGANDA
Madrid Dar es Salaam TANZANIA    
Madrid Nuria Duluti TANZANIA MEXICO    
Nanclares Makerere UGANDA Huatusco Abidjan Gab. Deshayes COTE D’IVOIRE
Portugalete Etxe Isiro CONGO RDC    
Portugalete Joven Kirambo RWANDA INDONESIA    
Reinosa Nyundo RWANDA Yogyakarta Pétionville Noviciat HAITI
Santo Domingo Kisubi Postulate UGANDA Larantuka Maldonado URUGUAY
Zamora Kinshasa CONGO RDC      
Roma Casa Kisubi scholasticate UGANDA    
Roma Sant’Ivo Mango TOGO      

In Pandan, Philippines, young people and adults from the PBI School.

A guide of the missionary month

PART ONE, “The Encounter with Jesus Christ”, offers a series of spiritual meditations of a missionary nature on the biblical readings of the daily Mass of the 31 days of the month of October. These meditations can be used for Eucharistic celebrations or any other meeting of prayer and formation.

The SECOND PART, “Mission Witnesses”, presents saints and martyrs, men and women canonized or not, which the local Churches of the world have suggested to us as models in mission and intercessors in faith.

PART THREE, “Mission Considerations”, proposes a series of important themes, highlighted by local Churches… Without having the pretension of elaborating a global theology or of advancing complete propositions, these texts bring ideas and suggestions for formation meetings at the mission.”


Missionary Rosary

The month of October “Month of the Missions” is also the “Month of the Rosary”. It can be an occasion for brothers and lay people to renew their personal Marian prayer.

The pontifical mission societies of Canada propose a “Missionary Rosary with Pope Francis”. This document contains an introduction to the various usual mysteries, with each time a text of Pope Francis in relation to the mission. Moreover, missionary mysteries have been added from the Acts of the Apostles.

The Mennaisian Family at Walsh University, Canton, USA continues its development, Brothers, Laity and students.


Lord Jesus, 200 years ago,
Jean-Marie de la Mennais and Gabriel Deshayes
saw the distress of children and of young people,
“who were like sheep without a shepherd.”

Today, enlighten us and let us hear the cry of those
who are still waiting for pastors with a generous heart.

Grant to all members of the Mennaisian family
to rely on your mercy, in the unity of the same family.
And give us the joy and the faith of writing a new page for the mission.

May the prayer of Mary
help us to walk together in the paths of peace,
and to announce with joy the Good News to the poor.

God Alone in time!
God Alone in eternity!

(Extracts of the Prayer of the Bicentenary)

Prayer for the Extraordinary Missionary Month October 2019

During this month, Mennaisian Communities and Groups are invited to pray the prayer below, in thanksgiving for the Church and the Congregation, to intercede for the mission today and to ask for missionaries for the Church and the Congregation.

Heavenly Father,

when your only begotten Son Jesus Christ
rose from the dead,
he commissioned his followers
to “go and make disciples of all nations”

and you remind us that through our Baptism
we are made sharers in the mission of the Church.

Empower us by the gifts of the Holy Spirit
to be courageous and zealous
in bearing witness to the Gospel,
so that the mission entrusted to the Church,
which is still very far from completion,
may find new and efficacious expressions
that bring life and light to the world.

Help us make it possible for all peoples
to experience the saving love
and mercy of Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.