From this site , we are hundreds to follow the information of the Chapter from day to day.

Several sites of Provinces and Districts of the congregation relay this information on their site:


USA : facebook link presents website address










ESPAGNE : the site presents the news every day

HAITI : the website publishes information regularly


CANADA : On several occasions, the address of the site has been distributed to all Brothers and members of the Mennaisian Family. Many communities print the news on a daily basis.





FRANCE : A newsletter prepared by Bro Michel Bouvais is sent regularly by the provincial secretariat: Bros Gabriel Douaud, Philippe Lecointre or Alain Celton.














ARGENTINE-URUGUAY : Regular information is published :


+ Looking for PHOTOS of the Chapter?

Go to the GENERAL CHAPTER icon under News, and click.

Then, click on Photos General Chapter 2018

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