Here is the time-table of the Great Novena: 9 days to live even more intensely with Father de la Mennais.
– In classrooms, during highlights by levels, during School or Educational Centre, the Feast on this occasion, during a Meeting dedicated to the Educational Team of Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff…
– Within Communities, during a Special Meeting with External guests, during Times of Prayer, during a Celebration…
– In Teams and Fraternities, in groups of Mennaisian Lay Associates, young Mennaisian adults…
From November 18th to 26th, everyone is invited to strengthen ties with Father de la Mennais, to present him intentions, to pray for his beatification.
These 9 days are a great opportunity to serve life according to the Theme year of the Congregation and the Mennaisian Family.

On all Continents, an opportunity to live in union with Father de la Mennais.