This is the time of the Great Novena which is announced: 9 days to live even more intensely with the Father de la Mennais and to walk in Christ’s footsteps.
- In the classes, during great events at different levels, at a School or Educational center wide party on this occasion, at a meeting dedicated to the Educational team of Teachers and Staff together…
- In Communities, during a special meeting with external guests, during prayer times, during a celebration…
- In Teams and Fraternities, in Lay Mennaisian Associates groups, young Mennaisian adults…
From November 18th to 26th, everyone is invited to strengthen ties with the Father de la Mennais, to bring him intentions, to pray for his beatification.
These 9 days are a great opportunity to “Witness Hope” according to the theme of the year of the Institute and the Mennaisian Family.
On all Continents, an opportunity to live in union with the Father de la Mennais.
A Family spirit
« Devotion to the Founder is a bit like the expression of the love of the sons, comments Bro Dino de Carolis, Postulator of the Cause of Jean-Marie de La Mennais, a love that creates a Family spirit, which brings together and unites the Community of Mennaisian Institute scattered throughout the World.
With this devotion we find the early days of the Foundations, particularly fervent and heroic ones. In this area we can touch with our hands the Charism of the Foundation and the generous response of our Founders, of the first Brothers and of the Daughters of Providence, to the divine call.
This devotion includes Filial affection, Fidelity to the charism, Inspiration in its beginnings, Family spirit, Spiritual physiognomy, Fraternal sharing