The 6 new Novices began their formation at Dapaong, Togo.
NOVITIATE. 6 novices from West and Central Africa started their year in Dapaong, Togo
On Thursday 17th September, Brother Jules TONE, Assistant Visitor of West Africa, presided over the entrance into the Novitiate of six Postulants, namely: Richard (RDCONGO), Maring (BENIN), Christophe (TOGO), Samuel (RDCONGO), Achille (RDCONGO), and Hilaire (RDCONGO).
The community of the Novitiate is happy to restart its apostolate, that of assuring the formation of Novices and recommends itself to your prayers.
Brother Eric,
Master of Novices.
LISTENING TO THE YOUNG. 340 young people and adults from Southern Cone, gather together to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Father de la Mennais
As a Mennaisian family in the Southern Cone –Divine Providence District – Argentina-Uruguay-Chile-Bolivia – we celebrated the anniversary of Jean Marie de la Mennais’ birth on 8th September by giving the floor to children and adolescents via video-conferencing exchanges. We listened to them and they told us about many of the changes we are experiencing.
We met with over 340 people from all parts of the District to celebrate the realities of JM de la Mennais and Gabriel Deshayes. This moment was prepared by the District’s pastoral directors and coordinators.
The words of thanks of the participants reflected what the celebration of the 240th anniversary of Father de la Mennais’ birth meant to them.
May God bless us and sustain the hopeful optimism of the Mennaisian educators!
The members of the District mission team have been meeting together since the end of May every Wednesday for discussions via video. It is an opportunity to share the reality of our educational work in the Southern Cone, to get to know each other, to discuss problems and to agree on ways to continue moving forward
Sharing has enriched us all. This has allowed us to bring our hearts closer and strengthen more meaningful ties with the new reality that dwells within us.
Thank you all for your contribution and dedication to the mission. The mission team is composed of the Directors of each of the works of the District and of the Brother Visitor.
A meeting of the Brothers has also just taken place thanks to the videoconference contacts.
SOLIDARITY CALENDAR. Offer the calendar of the La Mennais France Network! It helps solidarity projects

Bro Louis Le Guichet presents the new solidarity La Mennais Calendar 2021. Let’s offer it!
It just came out! The calendar of the year 2020-2021 realised to help finance La Mennais educational projects and achievements in several countries – in Africa, America and Asia – is available.
It presents the actions of the Mennaisian solidarity association Assific https://www.facebook.com/assific
mail: assific.ong@gmail.com
Always attractive by the faces presented and the large photos, it is made by Bro Louis Le Guichet.
Sold at a price of 5 euros, distributed in schools and communities of the Brothers, it is also possible to order it from the Provincial House of Vannes – France: Bro Gabriel Douaud, tutelle@mennaisien.org