Be praised Lord, for your greatness,
Be praised for all your blessings.
Glory to you Lord, you are the victor,
Your love fills our hearts.
Let my mouth sing your praise.”
It is this canticle that we have been raising to the Lord since the beginning of the month of July.
In fact, he granted his graces on the Province of Saint Louis de Gonzague, Haiti.

The Brothers of the Province St Louis de Gonzague and the celebrants during the professions of August 15.
+ The first grace, on August 15, were the perpetual professions of Brothers Olson Dumézil and Jean Yvelt Philippe;

The new perpetual professed brothers, Bros Olson Dumézil and Jean Yvelt Philippe, together with Bros Valmyr Dabel, assistant provincial, Hervé Zamor, Superior general and Bro Géniaud Lauture, Brother Provincial.
The first vows of Brothers Bernady Anténor, Steker Augustin, Louis-Mary Desrivières and Arold Mathieu;

1st vows of the Brothers Bernady Anténor, Steker Augustin, Louis-Mary Desrivières and Arold Mathieu
The vows of the newly professed Brothers were received by Bro Hervé Zamor, Superior General.
That same day was marked by the entrance to the novitiate of Jean Stéphane Famil and Jean Jude Simon, and the sending on mission of Brothers Ewald Guerrier (Huatusco- Mexico) and Joseph Bellanger (Rome).

From left to right: Bro Géniaud LAUTURE, Provincial, while sending on mission the Bros Joseph BELLANGER and Ewald GUERRIER
Like Mary, we rejoice: the Lord has done wonders for us! Holy is his name.
+ The second grace is of course the annual retreat.
It gathered all the Brothers of the Province and some lay Mennaisians from July 7 to 14.
Guided by an experienced preacher, the participants lived devoutly and intensely that strong time which the Lord gave to them.
+ The third grace is that of the Provincial Chapter.
From July 14 to 19, Brothers and Laity, in the Spirit’s movement, reflected on and identified the directions to be given to the Province for the next six years. What particularly marked the capitulants was the experience of synodality. We listened to each other in a great spirit of brotherhood. Everyone came away edified.
Brother Géniaud Lauture, Brother Provincial.
Province Saint Louis de Gonzague, Haiti.
Bishop Denis MOUTEL met the Brothers.
During his visit in Haiti, Bishop Denis MOUTEL, Bishop of St-Brieuc et Tréguier – France, went to meet with Bro Hervé ZAMOR, Superior General.

In the center, Bishop MOUTEL and Bro Hervé ZAMOR in Jacmel, with the Brothers.
“Great joy to meet Brother Hervé ZAMOR in Jacmel in Haiti.
It was a wonderful experience of the Church’s universal mission for the whole of this visit which ends on Monday.
Very fraternally yours”
+ Denis Moutel
Bishop of Saint-Brieuc and Tréguier